Brothers and sisters,
These very well might be the ancient prophet Isaiah’s words for today in our modern world.
In God’s Word describing end times, there is only one conspiracy, one demonic menace that threatens God’s kingdom population, maturation, and completion…and His children.
It’s the one world government and its anti-Christ.
He used the Assyrians thousands of years ago to destroy His godless false church, discipline His wayward church followers, and purify His faithful ones. The Lord will most likely use the New World Order in a similar strategy to accomplish His final will.
You can find the original Bible text link at the very end. For easy reference, the NALT books are numbered by the book number in the Bible and followed by the chapter number. For example, NALT 23-10 represents book 23, Isaiah, and chapter 10 in that book.
Isaiah 10:1-34 – For Today, A Paraphrase, NALT 23-10
“As the Lord God, My curse, My woe, abides on those leaders in the church, My Body, who enact false statutes, those evil and legalistic rules which enslave them all. And to those who constantly record perverted decisions so as to deprive the needy of justice.
And rob the poor of My people of their rights, so that unsuspecting and vulnerable widows, which are any women without a man’s protection, and orphans, which are people without a parent’s protection, are plundered by these evil people and their evil rules.
“Now what will you do in the day of punishment, you leaders in My church who carry out these despicable acts? And in the devastation which will come from afar that is sent by Me your Creator? To whom will you flee for help then? And where will you leave your wealth, your mammon, gained by the exploitation of My people?
“Nothing will remain for you but to crouch among all the captives when the New World Order takes final and complete control. Or fall among the murdered. In spite of all this, My fierce anger does not turn away from you and My hand is still stretched out against you.
“Woe, My curse, is also for the leaders of the New World Order, yet the weapon of My anger and the terror of My indignant retribution are those pagan leader’s hands by My decree. I send it against a mostly godless and fruitless church and commission it against the people of My fury to destroy their false religious culture that slanders My name, and to trample them down like mud in the streets. Even my faithful ones will suffer greatly in the midst of this tribulation.
“Yet the New World Order does not understand My intent for them to be My tool against My people, nor does it plan so in its heart, but rather it is its purpose to destroy and cut off all peoples worldwide who oppose its advance.”
For they say, ‘Are not all my leaders like kings of the world? Are we not invincible because “In God We Trust,” like it declares on the back of the dollar bill just below our all-seeing eye on top of the pyramid, the eye of Horus? As our hand has reached to all the nations and kingdoms of the world, whose god is greater than that of the modern-day Christians who truly follow Jesus? Shall we not do to those Christians and their church just as we have done to other religions and their idols during our relentless conquest?’
So it will be that when the Lord God has completed all His work on His modern-day church, His worldwide congregation, He will say, “I will punish the fruit of the arrogant heart of the New World Order and the pomp of their haughtiness.”
For the New World Order leaders have said, ‘By the power of our hand and by our wisdom we did this, for we have great understanding; and we also removed all the Christian’s buildings, destroyed all their congregations, and plundered their possessions and wealth. And like a mighty army we brought down their inhabitants and killed untold numbers of them. But many left their Christ and joined us.
‘And our hand reached to the riches of the peoples of the world through our global central banks, and as one gathers abandoned bank accounts, we gathered all the earth to do our own bidding; and there was not one that proved to put up any substantial resistance but acted like frightened animals.’
Is the axe to boast itself over the one who chops with it? Is the saw to exalt itself over the one who wields it? That would be like a club wielding those who lift it, or like a rod lifting him who is not wood.
Therefore the Lord, the GOD of hosts, will send a wasting disease like AIDS among his stout warriors, these New World Order leaders and their followers; and under their glory a fire will be kindled like a burning flame that will destroy them as well.
And the light of His real and true body will become a fire and his Holy One, His beloved Son, an eternal flame, and it will burn and devour their thorns and their briars in a single day.
And He will destroy the glory of their forest and of their fruitful garden, this one world government, both soul and body, the entire lot of them, and it will be as when a sick man wastes away. And the rest of the trees of their forest, though still alive, will be so small in number that a child could write them down.
Now in that day, a day of terror from the Lord God, the remnant of His body who have escaped the carnage will never again rely on evil and godless protectors like the New World Order who made false promises yet still struck them in the end, but will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of the Israel of God.
A remnant will always remain faithful, the remnant of His choice, to the glory of the mighty God. For though your people, O congregation of the living God, may be like the sand of the sea, only a remnant within them will remain faithful; a destruction is determined by God Himself, overflowing with His righteousness. For a complete destruction of the unfaithful, one that is decreed, the Lord GOD of hosts will execute in the midst of the whole world.
Therefore thus says the Lord GOD of hosts, “O My people, my faithful ones, who dwell in My kingdom, do not fear the New World Order who strikes you with mass terrorism that is false, modern weapons and lifts up their huge armies against you, the way conquerors in the past generations did.
“For in a very little while My indignation against you, My Body, will be spent and My anger will be directed to their destruction.”
The LORD of hosts will arouse a scourge against your oppressors like the slaughter of the Egyptians at the Red Sea; like His staff was over the sea. And He will lift it up the way He did in Egypt with all the plagues against Pharaoh and his people.
So it will be in that day, that their burden will be removed from your shoulders, O holy ones, and their yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be broken because of their perpetual arrogance and insolence against the Lord God, their Creator.
The New World Order juggernaut is coming against your nation, your church buildings, and your families. They especially desire your children and grandchildren for their cause. As they begin their conquest and slaughter the peoples, they will pass through each of your nation’s and kingdom’s capital, your great cities, and your neighborhoods.
They will go through all the lands, saying, “All this in the world, the West, and America in particular, will be our lodging place.” The United States especially will be terrified, and all it’s great unsaved leaders will join them or flee in fear.
Cry aloud with your voice, O daughters of God! Pay attention, compromised leadership and wretched denominations! The peoples have fled. The inhabitants and their children of the land who still live have sought refuge from the deadly and bloody carnage.
Yet at the appointed time the marauding invaders will halt at God’s boundaries; they shake their fist at the remaining sons and daughters of the Most High, the apple of His eye. But first there must be a terrible tribulation amidst God’s people so that the Lord may purify at last His true and final body for eternal kingdom citizenship.
Behold, the Lord, the GOD of hosts of the heavenly armies, eventually will lop off the boughs of these invaders with a terrible crash; those also who are tall in stature will be cut down and those who are lofty will be abased. None who are insolently arrogant will be left, including those who also acted thus within His body all these years and lead people astray to the lake of fire to join them there in eternal torment.
Your God will finally cut down the thickets of the New World Order forest with an iron axe, and they will fall by the Mighty One.
See the original Bible text here.
See other Cry Of Today’s Prophets posts here.
See the current NALT offerings here.
The New Amplified Living Translation (NALT) is a new paraphrase Bible translation from Walk Worthy ministries combining the elements of amplification, today’s needs, and the literal words of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.
We at Walk Worthy in no way suggest that you substitute daily Bible reading and meditation in regular translations such as literal-formal (NASB, NKJV, KJV, ESV) or dynamic equivalent (NIV, GW). Always and forever study to show yourself approved to our great and holy God.
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Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,
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