I have known Marc White for many years now, and in that time he has made a strong impression upon me in a number of ways. He not only talks about following Jesus, he lives it.
Many people talk about prayer, Marc actually prays, and follows all the instructions in The Book when he does so. That must be why things happen when he prays. Marc has counted the cost, and decided that gaining Christ and His Kingdom was worth giving his life for. He hasn’t looked back.
I count him among my closest friends, and expect to enjoy following his adventures in the Spirit until Christ returns.
Bruce Gordon, Director – Multiplying Freedom Ministries, Church Planter, USA
The Holy Spirit introduced me to Marc White in 1999 at a critical time in my life, although I did not know it at that time. Marc was very helpful in enabling me to re-focus on what the Lord was desiring to do in my life.
Just one month later, my Father permitted a major attack by our adversary to enter my life. It was His hand taking me to a deeper place.
A great unfolding of His purposes in my life and my destiny followed working with Marc, which continues today.
Gregory T. Reagan, CPA, Charlotte, NC, Birmingham, Alabama