Right before God called Moses to his death prematurely without entering the promised land, Moses blesses the children of Israel. Even after 40 arduous years (let’s count them slowly: 1..2..3…) wandering aimlessly with world class complainers, he blesses them. For certain, there were some who were faithful and not killed by Jesus in the wilderness (1 Cor. 10) and could receive His enduring grace.
Deut. 33:27 “The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms; and He drove out the enemy from before you…”
The arms that love, provoke, woo, rebuke, and always sustain the obedient always last forever…and forever…and forever. These arms are underneath us in a protecting and supporting role – never to let us fall thoroughly…if we love Him!
Dear Lord, we’re so full of gratitude that Your loving arms are right where we most need them – for all time – for eternity. Thanks for protecting us by driving out our enemies so we too can enter Your promised land beyond the Jordan. [Read more…]