As in much of modern Christianity these days, the majority of popular beliefs are 100% backwards to the true truth. Nothing is more skewed that the erroneous proposition than modern Jews and the current nation of Israel.
Many Jews are not true Jews but are descendants of Europeans, not Middle Eastern, dark skinned Arab peoples. And God promised the return and establish the promised land when the Jews were obedient. Their general gross disobedience as a “people” and the militant slaughter of countless Palestinians disqualifies them at this time.
This plot is a part of the only conspiracy: the domination of the New World Order and extinguishing Christianity in favor of a one world anti-christ religion. And Zionism is a key component of that final goal.
We love God’s original chosen people, and during the great tribulation, God will again gather many into His kingdom! We are grafted into the vine, so that we will never boast. But now the real body is the Israel of God: all true believers in Jesus Christ and the Father.
I repeat: I am not anti-semitic…but pro-truth and an ambassador for Jesus Christ.
Read and watch now below for eye opening truths. And watch this short video here why people avoid the truth.
We begin with brother Ted Pike and his excellent videos…
Ted Pike is arguably the most well versed Christian today on Zionism. It has cost him dearly all his life. Here Ted Pike reveals the European origin of many of the modern day Jews, The Other Israel, who are not real Jews at all. Listen carefully with an open heart in an attitude of prayer…
And here Ted and his late wife Alynn reveal the Unholy Alliance between Zionism and Christianity.
Read here the story of the late Alynn Pike and the demonic possession she encountered for her stand against Zionism…and her eventual tragic suicide in 2011.
You may also learn much more at Henry Makow’s site, he himself being a Jew living in Canada.
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,