Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ has come to destroy the works of the devil, and heal all those oppressed by him.
1 John 3:8b …The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.
Acts 10:38 “You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him…”
Often that oppression comes in the form of other human beings as perpetrators who abuse those made in the image of God. This often happens even in their own families. Even in the Christian church.
Sometimes the victims are even unaware to the extent of the abuse. Often, a man is abused just as often, or more so, than a woman. This is a great hidden sin in the church.
Abuse is so much more than physical abuse alone. So much more.
As an aside, I, Marc White, had been a victim of marital abuse for decades. It was hidden in the church since my ex-wife was such a master at deception. She could talk water uphill. And to top it all off, she was my girl in the first two years of marriage. It was almost perfect.
But…we are to expose the evil unfruitful deeds of darkness (Eph. 5.11). Like 90%+ of western church going self-professing Christians, she was a stonewaller. She was irreconcilable. Thus, she also was an omitter, not a committer.
Worse still, when the time came for the sin to be exposed, the arrogant irreconcilable stonewall leaders further abused me and refused to bring the woman to account. They even refused to begin to investigate my claims. And as the book A Cry For Justice proclaims, most often the victim is further victimized and the perpetrator goes free.
Here is our definition of this heinous act. If you find yourself in this web of sin caused by another and are not sure what to do next, even after prayer, connect with us and we will help here at Walk Worthy.
Let us know if you see changes or additions that are needed.
Relationship abuse runs the gamut from hidden domestic verbal sniping to open public murder. It is the sporadic or consistent disrespectful and dishonorable denigration and depreciation of a human being made in God’s image.
The abuser-perpetrator can use both deliberate actions and the inaction of neglect and abandonment. All abuse proceeds from a heart deceived by self and/or the demonic.
The practice reveals a conscious or subconscious need for power or fear based control over the victim whereby through the overt or passive-aggressive behavior of intimidation, manipulation, retaliation, and isolation the victim is kept off-balance, confused, disorientated, and defeated.
The results can be emotional, verbal, psychological, spiritual, sexual, financial, social, and physical, although all these elements need not be present for abuse to be a present reality to the victim and their family. Emotional abuse has been proven to be even worse than physical abuse since it can actually kill the victim more slowly without any immediate outward physical signs.
Abuse originating from a female against a male in the West is more prevalent than a male against a female.
The female perpetrator is most often never exposed let alone brought to account due to the ongoing embarrassment and resulting shame of the male victim, plus erroneous public perceptions that almost all abuse originates from a male.
Almost any attempt to confront the abuser to bring them to account is normally spurned and dismissed, while the messenger too is abused. Therefore, the abusers are arrogant irreconcilable sarcastic stonewallers.
In the majority of cases, the perpetrator rallies support from people in their sphere whether family, social, church, etc., both unaware or in direct collusion, and this larger alliance further victimizes the victim.
The abuser rarely changes, if ever. All abuse is sin in the kingdom of God, but not all sin is abuse.
Again, if you find yourself in this web of sin caused by another and are not sure what to do next, even after prayer, connect with us and we will help here at Walk Worthy.
Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries, www.WalkWorthy.org