Any covenant, just like the Old and New Covenant, is a contract. This contract has terms for each party to acknowledge and promise to obey in order for the contract to continue its validity.
All Covenants are Contracts That Can Be Broken – Except One
Therefore, contracts can be broken. Except one.
Biblical contracts were sealed by a sacrifice of blood. In the Old Covenant, the parties would walk between the bloody animal pieces indicating they now were one in nature and unified, relinquishing their individuality. The Abrahamic covenant was made between God Himself in that no man could break it, since God Himself walked between the bloody sacrifice. It is perpetually in effect until the end of time.
The New Covenant is sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ, and is the only flawless sacrifice acceptable to the Father to assuage His wrath that abides on sinners in rebellion to Him. The new creation is a saint, and never a sinner again if they endure to the end!
Three Ways to Handle Old Covenant Principles, i.e. Laws, Rules
There appears to be three basic ways to handle the Old Covenant-Testament-Contract laws or God’s eternal purpose, principles, and practices.
One, the Old Covenant has no place or relationship in [Read more…]