The Creator God is so majestic, so lofty and holy, He told Moses at the burning bush that He could be simply but profoundly be called I AM.
There are hundreds of names for Him in His Holy Bible. These are but a few and categorized by month so we can post them. Many of these are from a calligraphy work originally created by Timothy Botts. Our Lord and Master, Father God and the Lord Jesus Christ, refer to themselves by hundreds of names in the Word.
Revelation 5:11-14 Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.” And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying, “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.” And the four living creatures kept saying, “Amen.” And the elders fell down and worshiped.
1 He is the Alpha and Omega. Rev. 1.18
2 He is the King of Glory. Psalm 24.10
3 He is the Captain of Our Salvation. Heb. 2.10
4 He is Lord Of All. Acts 10.36
5 He is the Ancient of Days. Daniel 7.13-14
6 He is My Strength. 2 Samuel 22.33
7 He is the Capstone. Matt. 21.42
8 He is our Power. 1 Cor. 1.24
9 He is the Lord God Almighty. Rev. 4.8
10 He is The Beginning. Col. 1.18
11 He is My High Tower. Psalm 144.2
12 He is My Rock of Refuge. Psalm 31.2
13 He is the Rod of Strength. Psalm 110.2
14 He is The Good Shepherd. John 10.11
15 He is God My Savior. Luke 1.47
16 He is The Lifter of My Head. Psalm 3.3
17 He is the Lord of Peace. 2 Thess. 3.16
18 He is our God Full of Compassion. Psalm 86.15
19 He is our Advocate. 1 John 2.1
20 He is the Help of My Countenance. Psalm 42.11
21 He is A Nail In A Sure Place, Christ’s victory secured. Isaiah 22.23
22 He is Judge of All. Heb. 12.23
23 He is our Friend That Sticks Closer Than A Brother. Prov. 18.24
24 He is the Head of Every Man. 1 Cor. 11.3
25 He is the High and Lofty One. Isaiah 57.15
26 He is the Holy Son. Acts 2.27
27 He is our Bridegroom. Rev. 21.9
28 He is Good. Psalm 34.8
29 He is The Highest. Luke 1.76
30 He is the I AM. John 8.58
31 He is Jehovah Elohim, Eternal Creator. Gen. 24.4-25
1 He is our All In All. Col. 3.11
2 He is the Creator of All Things. Col. 1.16
3 He is the King of God. Psalm 72.1
4 He is our Crown of Glory. Isaiah 28.5
5 He is the Chief Cornerstone. 1 Peter 2.6
6 He is A Sure Foundation. Isaiah 28.16
7 He is The Author of Our Faith. Heb. 12.2
8 He is our Apostle and High Priest. Heb. 3.1
9 He is our Cover From The Tempest. Isaiah 32.2
10 He is The Flame. Isaiah 10.17
11 He is our Counselor. Isaiah 9.6
12 He is the Hope Of Our Fathers. Jeremiah 50.7
13 He is our Holy One. 1 Peter 1.15
14 He is Love. 1 John 4.8
15 He is the King of Jacob. Isaiah 41.21
16 He is the God Of All Comfort 2 Cor. 1.3
17 He is the God Of Hope. Romans 15.13
18 He is Our Peace. Ephesians 2.14
19 He is our Sanctuary. Isaiah 8.14
20 He is My Helper. Heb. 13.6
21 He is My Lamp. 2 Samuel 22.29
22 He is our Leader. Isaiah 55.4
23 He is My Support. Psalm 18.18
24 He is the Righteous Judge. 2 Tim. 4.8
25 He is the God of Truth. Deut. 32.4
26 He is the Diadem of Beauty. Isaiah 28.5
27 He is Holy and Awesome. Psalm 111.9
28 He is Jehovah Tsidkenu, our Lord of Righteousness. Jeremiah 23.6
1 He is the King Over All The Earth. Zechariah 14.9
2 He is the Holy One of the Israel fo God. Gal. 6.16
3 He is the Light of All People. John 1.4
4 He is our Glorious Lord. Isiah 33.21
5 He is our Shield. Genesis 15.1
6 He is the Lord God Omnipotent. Rev. 19.6
7 He is My Fortress. Psalm 18.2
8 He is Heir of All Things. Hebrews 1.2
9 He is the Horn (Strength) of Salvation. Luke 1.69
10 He is the First Fruits. 1 Cor. 15.20
11 He is the Hiding Place From The Wind. Isaiah 32.2
12 He is the Covenant to the People. Isaiah 42.6
13 He is He Who Lives. Rev. 1.18
14 He is the Great Prophet. Luke 7.16
15 He is Our Lawgiver. Isaiah 33.22
16 He is our Manna. Exodus 16.31
17 He is the God of Recompense (compensate for afflictions). Jeremiah 51.56
18 He is our Surety, our Guarantee. Hebrews 7.22
19 He is My Lord and My God. John 20.28
20 He is our Physician. Luke 4.23
21 He is our Governor (Ruler). Matthew 2.6
22 He is our Master. Luke 5.5
23 He is The Sign. Luke 2.34
24 He is the Guardian (Bishop) of Our Souls. 1 Peter 2.25
25 He is the Angel of the Father’s Presence. Isaiah 63.9
26 He is the Elect One. Isaiah 42.1
27 He is the Faithful Witness. Revelation 1:5
28 He is Love and Peace. 1 Cor. 13.11
29 He is The Just One. Acts 7.52
30 He is our Understanding. Proverbs 8.14
31 He is Jehovah Ropheka, our Healer. Exodus 15.26
1 He is Wisdom. Proverbs 8.12
2 He is King of The Saints. Rev. 15.3
3 He is The True God. 1 John 5.20
4 He is the Word of Life. 1 John 1.1
5 He is the Son of The Most High God. Mark 5.7
6 He is The Foundation. Isaiah 28.16
7 He is Our King. Zechariah 9.9
8 He is the Lamb of God. John 1.29
9 He is the Ransom. Mark 10.45
10 He is our Peace Offering. Leviticus 3.1-5
11 He is a Man of Sorrows. Isaiah 53.3
12 He is the Lamb without blemish. 1 Peter 1.19
13 He is the Worthy Lamb Who Was Slain. Rev. 5.12
14 He is Our Passover, The Perfect Sacrifice. 1 Cor. 5.7
15 He is The Resurrection and The Life. John 11.25
16 He the Firstborn From The Dead. Col. 1.18
17 He is the True God and Eternal Life. 1 John 5.20
18 He is the Lord Our Redeemer. Isaiah 43.14
19 He is the Stone of Stumbling. 1 Peter 2.8
20 He is the Lord Adonai, Father Master. Isaiah 6.1
21 He is the Propitiation (Atonement Satisfaction) For Our Sins. 1 John 2.2
22 He is like Streams of Water in A Dry Country. Isaiah 32.2
23 He is our Sunrise From On High. Luke 1.78
24 He is the Door of The Sheep. John 10.7
25 He is Like The Tender Grass. 2 Samuel 23.4
26 He is the Sustainer of My Soul. Psalm 54.4
27 He is the God of All Grace. 1 Peter 5.10
28 He is the Fountain of Living Water. Jeremiah 17.13-14
29 He is the Forerunner For Us. Hebrews 6.20
30 He is Jehovah Raah, the Lord My Shepherd. Psalm 23.1
1 He is the Image of God. 2 Cor. 4.4
2 He is the Lord of All The Earth. Zechariah 6.5
3 He is A Rock Not Cut By Human Hands. Daniel 2.34-35
4 He is a Light To The Gentiles. Isaiah 42.6
5 He is The King In His Beauty. Isaiah 33.17
6 He is the Captain of The Lord of Hosts. Joshua 5.14
7 He is the Tower of Salvation. 2 Samuel 22.51
8 He is The Rock That Is Higher Than I. Psalm 61.2
9 He is Our Maker. Isaiah 54.5
10 He is the Messenger of The Covenant. Malachi 3.1
11 He is My Shield. 2 Samuel 22.31
12 He is our Rock of Safety. Psalm 31.2
13 He is the Great Shepherd of the Sheep. Hebrews 13.20
14 He is The Vine. John 15.5
15 He is Compassionate and Gracious. Exodus 34.6
16 He is The Rain Upon The Mown Grass. Psalm 72.6
17 He is The One. Hebrews 5.7
18 He is the Morning Without Clouds. 2 Samuel 23.4
19 He is the Lover of Our Heterosexual Married Sexual Celebration. Song 5.1b
20 He is The Radiance of His (the Father’s) Glory. Heb. 1.3
21 He is Our Great High Priest. Heb. 4.14
22 He is the Son. 1 John 4.14
23 He is the Creator of The Ends of The Earth. Isaiah 40.28
24 He is our Only Wise God. 1 Tim. 1.17
25 He is our Habitation of Righteousness. Jeremiah 50.7
26 He is Holy and True. Rev. 6.10
27 He will give the overcomer Himself, as the Morning Star. Rev 2.28
28 He is our True Bread out of Heaven. John 6.32
29 He is our King of Glory. Psalm 24.8
30 He is our Jehovah Shalom. Judges 6.24
31 He is our Lord God Almighty of both the living and the dead. Romans 14.9
1 He is our Lord of hosts, of His heavenly armies at His command. Psalm 59.5
2 He is our Ruler over the kings of the earth. Rev. 1.5
3 He is our Son of the Most High. Luke 1.32
4 He is our King of Righteousness. Hebrews 7.2
5 He is our Branch out of His Roots. Isaiah 11.1
6 He is our Mighty Lord. Psalm 89.8
7 He is our Divine Warrior. Exodus 15.3
8 He is our Rest. Heb. 4.10
9 He is our Maker. Job 35.10
10 He is our Sun and Shield. Psalm 84.11
11 He is our Bridegroom. Matt. 25.10
12 He is the exact representation of Father’s nature. Hebrews 1:3
13 He is our Dwelling Place. Psalm 90.1
14 He is our Jehovah Nissi, our Banner. Exodus 17.15
15 He is our Morning Star. Rev. 22.16
16 He is our Lord Who Heals. Exodus 15.26
17 He is our Father of Mercies. 2 Cor. 1.3
18 He is our Everlasting Father. Isaiah 9.6
19 He is The Way, The Truth, & The Life. John 14.6
20 He is our Hope of Glory. Col. 1.27
21 He is the Light of The World. John 8.12
22 He is the God of My Life. Psalm 42.8
23 He is Head Over All Things. Eph. 1.22
24 He is the Shield of Your Help. Deut. 33.29
25 He is our Habitation of Justice. Jeremiah 50.7
26 He is the I AM. Exodus 3.14
27 He is our Just and Holy One. Acts 3.14
28 He is our Shade. Psalm 121.5
29 He is My Well Beloved. Isiah 5.1
30 He is Jehovah Hosenu, the Lord our Maker. Psalm 95.6
1 He is the Lord of lords. Rev. 17.14
2 He is the Blessed and Only Sovereign. 1Timothy 6.15
3 He is Firstborn Over All Creation. Col. 1.15
4 He is our Great God. Titus 2.13
5 He is our Sun of Righteousness. Malachi 4.2
6 He is our Mighty One. Psalm 45.3
7 He is our Strong Hold. Nahum 1.7
8 He is our Deliverer. Romans 11.26
9 He is Jesus Christ the Righteous. 1 John 2.1
10 He is The Word. John 1.1
11 He is Our Refuge From The Storm. Isaiah 25.4
12 He is a Rock Of Offense. 1 Peter 2.8
13 He is a Wall of Fire. Zechariah 2.5
14 He is our Law Giver. James 4.12
15 He is a Sharpened Arrow, that cleanses the heart. Isaiah 49.2
16 He is the Bread of God. John 6.33
17 He is the Hope of the Israel of God. Jeremiah 17.13
18 He is the Apostle & High Priest of Our Confession. Hebrews 3.1
19 He is our Great Shepherd. Heb. 13.20
20 He is our Shiloh, Peacemaker. Genesis 49.10
21 He is the Good Teacher. Mark 10.17
22 He is our Potter. Isaiah 64.8
23 He is our Living Stone. 1 Peter 2.4
24 He is our Life Giving Spirit. 1 Cor. 15.45
25 He is our Refiner and Purifier. Malachi 3.3
26 He is the Light of The New City. Rev. 21.23
27 He is Faithful and True. Rev. 19.11
28 He is our Spirit of Justice. Isaiah 28.6
29 He is the Only Begotten Son. John 3.16
30 He is God’s Righteous Servant. Isaiah 53.11
31 He is Jehovah Elohim, the Lord My God. Zechariah 14.5
1 He is our Great King. Psalm 95.3
2 He is our Lion of The Tribe of Judah. Rev. 5.5
3 He is Lord Of All. Romans 10.12
4 He is the Specter. Numbers 24.16-17
5 He is our King. Zechariah 14.16
6 He is the Sword Of Your Majesty. Deut. 33.29
7 He is Our Confidence. Proverbs 3.26
8 He is the Head Cornerstone. Psalm 118.22
9 He is One Who Shall Have Dominion. Numbers 24.19
10 He is the Lamb at the center of the throne. Rev. 7.17
11 He is a Shelter For His People. Joel 3.16
12 He is our Shade From The Heat. Isaiah 25.4
13 He is our Hidden Manna. Rev. 2.17
14 He is the Father’s Chosen One. Luke 23.35
15 He is the Portion of Our Inheritance. Psalm 16.5
16 He is our Resting Place. Jeremiah 50.6
17 He is our Mediator. 1 Timothy 2.5
18 He is the Precious & Chief Cornerstone. 1 Peter 2.6
19 He is our All In All. 1 Cor. 15.28
20 He is The Bread of Life. John 6.35
21 He is the Wisdom of God. 1 Cor. 1.24
22 He is the Source of Eternal Salvation. Hebrews 5.9
23 He is Our Life. Col. 3.4
24 He is our Priest Forever. Hebrews 5.6
25 He is My Help. Psalm 115.11
26 He is the Branch of Righteousness. Jeremiah 23.5
27 He is the Judge of the Living and the Dead. Acts 10.42
28 He is the Root Out Of Dry Ground. Isaiah 53.2
29 He is The Precious Stone. 1 Peter 2.6
30 He is A Man Attested By God. Acts 2.22
31 He is Jehovah Jireh. Genesis 22.8-14
1 He is He Who Fills. Eph. 1.23
2 He is our Lord. Romans 10.13
3 He our King of Peace. Heb. 7.2
4 He is the Lord of Glory. 1 Cor. 2.7-8
5 He is the Master of the House. Luke 13.25
6 He is the Strong and Mighty Lord. Psalm 24.8
7 He is the Stone of Israel. Genesis 49.24
8 He is the Lord Who Created The Heavens. Isiah 45.18
9 He is our Teacher. John 13.13
10 He is the Lord of Truth. Psalm 31.5
11 He is our Salvation. Psalm 38.22
12 He is our Redeemer. Isaiah 59.20
13 He is our Keeper. Psalm 121.5
14 He is the Lord From Heaven. 1 Cor. 15.47
15 He is the Shade of A Great Rock in a Weary Land. Isaiah 32.2
16 He is the Living Bread. John 6.51
17 He is the Head of The Body. Col. 1.18
18 He is our Restorer. Psalm 23.3
19 He is the Spiritual Rock. 1 Cor. 10.4
20 He is our Rewarder. Hebrews 11.6
21 He is our Beloved. Matt. 12.18
22 He is our Grain of Wheat that died for us. John 12.23-24
23 He is our Maker. Isaiah 17.7
24 He is the Ruler of God’s Creation. Rev. 3.14
25 He is the Branch of the Lord. Isaiah 4.2
26 He is our Mediator of The New Covenant. Heb. 12.24
27 He is God’s Chosen One. Isaiah 42.1
28 He is Eternally Blessed. Rom. 9.5
29 He is the First Born Among Many Brethren. Rom. 8.29
30 He is Jehovah Mekaddishkem, Our Sanctifier, who makes us holy. Leviticus 20.8
1 He is our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3.18
2 He is the Maker of All Things. Jeremiah 51.19
3 He is The Mighty One of Jacob. Isaiah 60.16
4 He is the Glorious Throne. Isiah 22.23
5 He is the Prince of Life. Acts 3.15
6 He is our Strong Tower. Psalm 61.3
7 He is The Strength of My Life. Psalm 27.1
8 He is A Tested and Tried Stone. Isaiah 28.16
9 He is One Who Dies Leaving a Will. Heb. 9.16
10 He is Minister of the Sanctuary. Heb. 8.2
11 He is The Word of God. Rev. 19.13
12 He is The Most High. Psalm 18.13
13 He is A Witness to The People. Isiah 55.4
14 He is The Arm of The Lord. Isaiah 51.9-10
15 He is Our Everlasting Light. Isaiah 60.20
16 He is A Rod from the Stem of Jesse. Isaiah 11.1
17 He is Life. John 11.25
18 He is Son of The Father. 2 John 3
19 He is Our Shepherd. John 10.16
20 He is The Portion of Jacob. Jeremiah 10.16
21 He is The Image of the Invisible God. Col. 1.15
22 He is My Glory. Psalm 3.3
23 The is the God of Patience & Comfort. Rom. 15.5
24 He is the Banner of The Nations. Isaiah 11.12
25 He is Most Holy. Daniel 9.24
26 He is our Faithful & True Witness. Rev. 3.14
27 He is the Son of God. Mark 1.1
28 He is the Root of David. Rev. 5.5
29 He is the Only Begotten of The Father. John 1.14
30 He is the God of Glory. Acts 7.2
31 He is Jehovah Shammah, the Lord Is There. Ezekiel 48.35
1 He is the Lord Most High. Psalm 47.2
2 He is the Lord Our Maker. Psalm 95.6
3 He is our Prince and Savior. Acts 5.30-31
4 He is our Exceedingly Great Reward. Genesis 15.1
5 He is Strength To The Needy Isaiah 25.4
6 He is My Power 2 Samuel 22.33
7 He is the Rock of My Salvation. 2 Samuel 22.47
8 He is the Upholder of All Things. Heb. 1.3
9 He is the Lord Our Righteousness. Jeremiah 23.6
10 He is the Bright And Morning Star. Rev. 22.16
11 He is our Commander. Isaiah 55.4
12 He is Eternal Life. 1 John 1.2
13 He is a Trap and Snare. Isaiah 8.14
14 He is the Prince of Princes. Daniel 8.25
15 He is the Root of Jesse. Isaiah 11.10
16 He is My Hope. Psalm 71.5
17 He is My Rock. Psalm 31.3
18 He is our Shepherd. Genesis 49.24
19 He is A Consuming Fire. Hebrews 12.29
20 He is An Offering. Ephesians 5.2
21 He is God’s Unspeakable Gift. 2 Cor. 9.15
22 He is My Portion. Psalm 73.26
23 He is Strength To The Poor. Isaiah 25.4
24 He is the Light of Israel of God, His world-wide body. Isaiah 10.17, Gal. 6.16
25 He is the Mediator of A Better Covenant. Heb. 8.6
26 He is our Jehovah Elyon, Lord Most High. Psalm 7.17
27 He is Our Shield. 2 Samuel 22.3
28 He is the Mighty One, the Rock, of Israel, the Israel of God, His world-wide body. Isaiah 30.29
29 He is Jehovah Eloheka, the Lord your God. Exodus 20.2
30 He is My Shepherd. Psalm 23.1
1 He is the King of Israel, the Israel of God, the body of Christ. John 1.49
2 He is the Son of God. John 1.34
3 He is the King of Kings. Rev. 17.14
4 He is the Ruler. Micah 5.2
5 He is our Wonderful Counselor. Isaiah 9.6
6 He is our Messiah, our Deliverer & Savior. John 4.25
7 He is our Mighty God. Isaiah 9.6
8 He is Our Hope. 1 Timothy 1.1
9 He is the Shepherd of Israel. Psalm 80.1
10 He is our Defender. Psalm 84.11
11 He is our Savior. 1 John 4.14
12 He is the Judge. Isaiah 33.22
13 He is Holy. Isaiah 57.15
14 He is the First and Last. Rev. 1.17
15 He is the God of The Whole Earth. Isaiah 54.5
16 He is The Glory of Your People Israel, the Israel of God. Luke. 2.32
17 He is My Song. Isaiah 12.2
18 He is The Gift of God. John 4.10
19 He is the Consolation of the Israel of God, the new Covenant family. Luke 2.25
20 He is the Chief Shepherd. 1 Peter 5.4
21 He is our True Light. John 1.9
22 He is the Alpha and Omega. Rev. 21.6
23 He is the God of Peace. Rom. 15.33
24 He is the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9.6
25 He is the Lord God Almighty. Rev. 11.17
26 He is Jehovah Sabaoth, Lord of Hosts. Isaiah 6.3
27 He is God Revealed In The Flesh. 1 Timothy 3.16
28 He is our Amen. Rev. 3.14
29 He is the Finisher of Our Faith. Heb. 12.2
30 He is Immanuel. Matt. 1.23
31 He is a Star Out of Jacob. Numbers 24.17
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries, www.WalkWorthy.org