Satan is so clever…a deceiver…his schemes are brilliant. I hate him. Our brother the apostle Paul declared we’re not ignorant of the devil’s schemes.
Or are we?
My friend Mike Smith from Hard Core Christianity who is called to deliverance of demon oppression in Christians states the evil one is a “supernatural genius.” Friends, he is not stupid…
Watch this chilling 4 minute video and see where we are in the culture. Another huge false flag like 911 from our New Age, one-world US government, coupled with an offer of perfect health, and a life of 200-300 years from demons posing as alien “saviors,” and voila: this is reality with tens of millions of human beings lined up in Wal-Mart parking lots.
The Mark of the Beast to buy and sell? You be the judge…
God’s church in the west is nowhere on this. Most of us think we’re going to be raptured out before hand. And that idea didn’t surface until the mid 1800’s.
Not so. Be on the alert declares Jesus.
Some exerpts from the web site article and other Great Tribulation resources follow the video… [Read more…]