In Psalm 81.15, God Himself is speaking to His people Israel. But it’s a word for His children today.
God declares, “Those who hate the Lord would pretend obedience to Him…” Wow. Hate. Pretence. Pretty strong words from our Creator.
Do these human creatures know what they’re doing? To Him? To themselves? Do they comprehend in the least that the Majestic Glory, who holds all the universe together by His Word alone, considers it hate to fake obeying?
As my father used to say to me as I grew up as a young lad in Chicago, “Who do they think they’re kidding?”
Let us be sober in all things as the apostle Paul commands us through the ages. Who do we think we may be kidding?
Certainly not Jesus. Grace toward saved souls is first and foremost for obedience.
“Let us never, never, never pretend, oh Lord God, our Master. Allow us to repent and change our wayward ways forever. Someday soon we’ll give an account for every deed, whether good or bad. Let us prove our love.”
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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