Over the years I’ve known the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit has taught me something really interesting over time about the mechanics of speech when believers in affluent cultures like the USA come together. I began to notice this phenomenon right after I was saved in the late ‘80’s.
Being interested in God’s people and loving them dearly, but not being a particular small talk type of guy, I would almost always take the lead in gatherings and ask people about themselves and their walk with the Lord Jesus. Or in non-church crowds of unbelievers, I might just listen to what interested them, and engage them in that fashion.
Here’s what the Spirit showed me.
The vast majority of believers (please remember there are some notable exceptions) primarily talk about only what’s important to them. It’s all about them…all the time.
They don’t really ask others about the other’s lives or seem to cultivate any sort of listening ear. Most seemed to only wait to talk again when others were speaking. Or just outright ignore what you’re saying if they decided to just interrupt.
After a while, I also asked a close friend to observe and they noticed the same thing after being on the lookout for it.
In other words, we may wait a long, long time, if ever, to be approached by someone at a gathering (including church gatherings) who’s sincerely interested and asks a series of questions about our life and walk with God.
Now, I love God’s people, as I’m sure many of your do too. I really do. And I rejoice even more to spend time with those who really talk about the Lord and His work, not just mainly idle chit chat about the “fun” things, sports, digital life, or a-muse-ment.
Won’t it be grand to speak with Paul and the apostles when we get Home? What about talking with Jesus?! What a privilege. What do you think He’ll want to talk about?
Is the Revelation of Jesus Christ a clue? I do hope so!
My unsaved parents have been around a long, long time. But they have confirmed this observation too. When I asked them their opinion of this, they commented by saying many many years ago people really did engage others in conversation by asking about their lives. At least some of them.
But over the years, they said, most became talkers rather than listeners. My parents surmised it was a cultural trend, in part caused by too much money and ease.
I’d concur.
Now the word of the Lord Jesus, through Paul, does speak to this:
Philip. 2:3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves…
Being really more interested in one another is a matter of the heart. May God lead us all to grow more in this vital area of our walk.
Now, before some of you might write and disagree with my assessment, please try your own experiment for several months first. See what you observe. Then feel free to write me then, and only then, with your disagreement. Perhaps your experience may be different, and I hope that is the case. I sincerely doubt it. But test it first.
I pray God will turn the tide and we as Christians become better examples of those who believe. Being a peculiar people, different from our pagan neighbors, and showing them the way to God and His merciful love and forgiveness is our mission.
The Bible has a lot to say about our speech. This is one of my favorites, showing us to be examples by what we say, especially to each other. That is, being holy in all our behavior, separate from the world, being just like God – 1 Peter 1:15!
1 Tim. 4:12 Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.
Pray for us as we all grow in this area to be more like Jesus. Surely it will bring Him even greater pleasure.
In my particular case, I’ve reached out to hundreds of men in the west to build a deeper relationship. You know how many of them consistency originate a call back to me, at least in the beginning, unless they want something themselves? None. That’s right. None. And heaven forbid if you want to meet in person. It’s easier jumping over the Grand Canyon I fear.
Many are in their own little world…they are “busy lazy.” They seem to specialize in selfish service, not sacrificial service. You may even experience that they appear interested, but only in words. Even family idolatry may come into play, which is the sin of inordinate time and effort with the immediate family at the expense of deep abiding fellowship in a daily community setting.
Ask the Lord is this terrible sin of disinterest in the brethren fits you in any way. If your find yourself in this selfish cycle, repent…and He will guide you into real and true humility.
Some preach that things will be getting better and better up to the end. I’m afraid I don’t hold their opinion in the least. As we rocket through the years toward The Great Tribulation, we here at Walk Worthy see the love on many growing colder right up until that time. Jesus laments:
Matthew 24:12-13 “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved…”
This selfish phenomenon, being a part of the end times upon us, is surely to amplify the loneliness of holiness in many of us as we long for the way God designed His kingdom now to operate.
Might this humanistic narcissism ever get better any time soon? As my pagan parents proclaimed frequently, I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. Perhaps when real and sustained tribulation arrives in the west, people will be forced to be interested and serve as the person needs to be served.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus. But help us all to be sincerely interested in the brethren until You do.
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries, www.WalkWorthy.org