A marvelous praise song from the Hillsong group out of Australia, featuring the wonderful voice of Darlene Zschech. I’ve cried more than a few tears singing along to this song…You Have Made Me Glad. Praise our strong tower, our very present help in time of need!
Lyrics are below.
I will bless the Lord forever
And I will trust Him at all times
He has delivered me from all fear
And He has set my feet upon a rock
I will not be moved, and I’ll say of the Lord
You are my shield, my strength, my portion
Deliverer, my shelter, strong tower
My very present help in time of need
Whom have I in heaven but You
There’s none I desire beside You
For You have made me glad, and I’ll say of the Lord
You are my shield, my strength, my portion
Deliverer, my shelter, strong tower
My very present help
You are my shield, my strength, my portion
Deliverer, my shelter, strong tower
My very present help in time of need
You have made me glad, and I’ll say of the Lord
You are my shield, my strength, my portion
Deliverer, my shelter, strong tower
My very present help
You are my shield, my strength, my portion
Deliverer, my shelter, strong tower
My very present help in time of need
My very present help in time of need
My very present help in time of need
See the other music videos here.
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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“Serve the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing,” Psalm 100:2
You may view our Archives here: MUSIC VIDEOS TO PRAISE THE LORD – “MUSE” ON GOD – ARCHIVES; Complete Archives. May our Father richly bless you with Your grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in order to walk worthy of Your name.
Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries, www.WalkWorthy.org