On occasion the Word of God gives revelation of another magnificent secret nugget to those who seek Him with all their heart. The Greek words used to convey His truth are more colorful and descriptive than the English used to translate here in the west.
Such is the truth when the high priest presiding over the mock trial of Jesus Christ, Caiaphas, asks Him a direct question of supreme importance:
Mark 14:61 But He (Jesus) kept silent and did not answer. Again the high priest (Caiaphas) was questioning Him, and saying to Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?”
The English word ‘One’ has been added in by the translators to make the passage more easily understood. Therefore, the more accurate part of the question would be, “Son of the Blessed.” Some people say it ‘Bless-said,’ and some ‘Blest.’
The Blessed is God our Father. The Judeans (Jews) knew He was so. The Greek word used here is eulogêtos, which originates from the verb meaning ‘to speak well of, to praise.’ You don’t have to stretch too much to see the English word ‘eulogy,’ or to give praise, comes straight from this underlying Greek.
What is fascinating is that [Read more…]