Many years ago George Otis, Jr. and his Sentinel Group out of the Pacific Northwest in America produced a series of documentary videos on revival and movements of God worldwide. They’re called Transformations, and are an exciting enCOURAGEment to many.
But almost none were in North America where the wholehearted pursuit of mammon, patriotism, and sports abound in God’s people. A note on this series: they promote kingdom building through politics as the way of our King. And we all know this is a snare and scheme of the devil. No one in politics can obey the Gospel and love their enemy, for just one example from Matthew 5-7.
One segment in the short video below in particular was riveting. In a church service in upper North America in the tundra, these saints are crying out for Him. God shows up in a similar fashion as He did on Mt. Sinai in Arabia before His Israelite people.
This is one of the most dramatic things we have ever experienced in our walk with the Lord.
Watch this short video to see the tears and holy fear of these saints as they witness the presence of the Majestic Glory in their little meeting. It begins at the 10 minute mark. [Read more…]