More provoking modern day definitions…
EVANGULLIBLE [ee-van guhl’-uh-buhl]
[Evangelical: 1525–35; < Late Latin evangelicus (< Late Greek euangelikós; see evangel1 , -ic) + -al1] [Gullible: easily taken in or tricked; earlier cullibility, probably connected to gull, a cant term for “dupe, sucker.” It is perhaps from the bird (see gull (n.), or from verb gull “to swallow” (1530, from O.Fr. goule, from L. gula “throat.”)]
- Evangelicals easily tricked by teachers/teachings that seem to be biblical but are not.
- Evangelicals who are too credulous, unwary, vulnerable, trusting and naïve, lacking in basic biblical discernment, especially when it comes to discerning wolves in sheep’s clothing and noticing that there are leaders who talk out of both sides of their mouths (Matt. 7:15).
- Evangelicals who are beguiled by the subtleties of the serpent, whose minds are [Read more…]