Well, if you follow our teachings on the sin of stonewalling, you’ll know that the favorite strategy of a stonewaller against your truth is to attack, attack, attack…
Here’s one you may have heard from them over the years. It goes something like this:
“Well, Marc, could everybody else be wrong?”
Meaning, of course, that they see truth as being determined by a vote – the more people who vote for their opinion, the more true it must be. And, they also never use the holy Word to build a convincing argument from the doctrines of God. They may pluck one or two texts out of context to ‘prove’ their point, i.e. “proof text.”
Of course, this is all nonsense, for even Jesus had but a few followers at the height of His human popularity. And…He’s God, the True Truth. Plus, He used the Word…since He is the Word. Beware so-called believers who have this very low view of holy scripture.
For instance, in a room of 10 western and affluent average believers, you’ll most likely find 9.999 of them would kill their enemy…not love them…for the sake of keeping their place and position. Are they believing right and then persecute you for your Jesus doctrine right out of His Word? [Read more…]