Jesus taught a parable in Luke 16 that the pagans (sons of this age) are more clever, wiser, sensible, prudent, thoughtful, astute, artful, that is, shrewd, than God’s followers who are of the ‘age to come.’ The unrighteous steward was much more cunning like a fox than what Jesus demanded of those who claim citizenship in His kingdom.
What was all the fuss about? Money, of course. Mammon – serving it – or God.
Are we shrewd in relationship to God’s commands in this life-or-death area of life and stewardship? Jesus Himself doesn’t think or say so. Scary.
The religious leaders of that day who affected the lives of all they touched were scoffing at God in the flesh. Jesus said what they highly esteemed (stored up mammon) was detestable (rotting dead carcass) to God the Father.
Do the religious leaders of our day teach us to not store up on earth, to be financially dependent on Jesus, to ask God to give us this day our daily bread? And do they teach us to be helping the poor, blind, crippled, lame, single mom’s, etc, etc, etc, with all that cash beyond the absolute basics of very modest food, clothing, shelter?
Are they shrewd with God’s Word? Or was Jesus right once again? What do you think about them? And yourself?
“Only You and Your all powerful grace can lead us to the true Truth of Your holy Word. We need Your ever present help to swim upstream in a church world filled with mounting heresy. And against the very truths that Your murder was designed to reveal through the New Covenant all-powerful Holy Spirit that graciously remains inside our hearts.”
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Right below this post, feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion. May our Father richly bless you with His grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in order to walk worthy of His name.
FRIDAY FIRE: A few minutes to help kindle the SPIRITUAL FIRE in us all; by Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy, Central Florida, USA
Jesus said, “I have come to cast FIRE upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! Luke 12:49
“…walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,” Eph. 4.1, Col. 1.10, 1 Thes. 2.12
Friday Fire, Copyright, a Walk Worthy ministry; “Walk in a manner worthy” of the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph.4.1, Col. 1.10, I Thes. 2.12); permission granted to repost in full.
The Vision of Walk Worthy is to be preaching and discipling the whole Gospel and purpose of God worldwide so that His body will walk in all purity and holiness with Jesus, and bringing the Father pleasure in all respects.
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