The western Christian world supplies countless resources that do little to nothing for the Kingdom of God in our opinion. Any resource that draws you away from the true heart of the Father is not from the Lord Jesus.
Some of these “Just Say No” resources below may have one or several interesting and helpful tidbits, and many sell myriads of books and videos. But a full diet of these will just have you following the New Success Trinity: the baby manger Jesus who always thinks you’re great; the Santa Claus Holy Spirit who showers you with material excesses; and Rambo Father who destroys all our enemies now through the elected government.
These are listed alphabetically.
Clout – by Jenni Catron – the success gospel mixed with American exceptionalism
Frederick Douglass – America’s Prophet – he advocated violence and not love your enemy, yet called the church hypocrites for not following the Christianity of Christ
God Is Not Nice – by Ulrich Lehner – lots of words that miss the true radical nature of the Lord
Letters to My Daughters – by Barbara Rainey – more teaching on co-exisiting, not true submission in making a marriage glorious
The Red Sea Rules – by Robert Morgan – the American gospel with a few interesting stories
Many engaging and popular posts dealing with walking worthy of Christ can be found here.