Respecting your husband, either saved or lost, is the main command for Christian wives hands down. Daily encouragement orally and physically is vital.
Our series here helps you do just this: on a daily basis! Your husband needs three areas of respect listed right below in reverse order.
3) Domestic skills like good cooking for men love to eat, and keeping the house clean; 2) Daily oral encouragement and physical touch; 1) Proactive, interesting, passionate sexual celebration – it’s the main way he gauges your relationship and if the world is the way it should be…
Want a better husband? Begin with being a much more respectful wife! God’s grace will break forth immediately as you watch your husband change right before your very eyes. And the children will be very glad you did.
We’ve gathered a lot on the Christian sexual celebration for your edification too, dear wife. You can see more here.
We never sell, share, or rent your information to anyone. We have a stewardship from almighty God.
Walk worthy of the Lord, dear one…here’s the Registration right below: