You may see our prayers over the years below right after this short introduction.
The Word of God is clear that leaders He puts in place have authority over us and bear the sword to keep basic order. For the majority of the non-biblical right wing Republican Christian this includes Clinton and Obama.
Romans 13:1-2 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
Furthermore, the Almighty commands us to pray and give thanksgivings for all men.
Not just Reagan, W, and Trump.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Thus, there are times when this yields a tranquil life of holiness and dignity. Sometimes, serious Christians get tremendous persecution. Either way, this is a command, and not a suggestion.
You may also see the story here of an American President who finds Christ and actually obeys the Christianity of Christ, not the demonic American gospel.
We must remember: politics is compromise with the devil himself. There is no compromise in the life of Christ and those who really follow Him closely.
Trump – version 2
Oh my dear Lord God, please help the poor deceived church person to see who Donald Trump really is in his flesh: completely lost, a braggart, a narcissist, a liar, a sexual pervert, etc. etc. It is an embarrassment to see these religious people fawning over this man who represents the New World order in all its glory. So we pray for open eyes Father God. We really don’t know what else to say but that these church people would seek the truth at all costs and stop buying into the American dream gospel, which is really no gospel at all. The ironic and sad thing is the best exposés of his behavior are put out by the pagans who can see clearly. These church people really want to continue to increase their treasures on earth an their position on sinful earth. Help them, dear Lord Jesus, to see the absolute folly and foolishness of their ways. May they repent and follow the true gospel and please You in every respect. They are in spiritual no-man’s land now.
The Lies of Donald Trump & His Doublespeak
Almighty God, we beg and beseech You, great Master, to save and disciple the New World Order pawn Joe Biden. He has followed the world of Satan for so long that its likely He can not hear You in the least any more. Bring whatever is needed: disaster, health crisis, terrible dreams and visions of what awaits him and his influence upon the US and all the other human’s that he’s help pollute over the decades. Please remember that Your Word states You desire none to perish. We certainly know that a person can indeed go too far…but what a dramatic testimony it would be to see President Biden declare his radical new faith. And resign the office so he can follow you and now love his enemy!
Our dear Lord, we pray mightily that you save President Trump from the wrath that abides on him due to his despicable life as a pagan. That he would repent deeply and become a new creation in Jesus Christ. That he would become holy and love his enemies, sell all his possessions and live simply, actually begin living a humble life, and become pure in heart so that he will see You. Have him turn completely from his perverted sex life and involvement with the likes of pedophile Jeffery Epstein. In this, he would begin to actually obey You and escape the lake of fire. Send a real believer who follows the real gospel to him before it’s too late. We also pray for his lost wife and children.
And, Father, we pray that the 80%+ of self-professed American churchgoers that voted for Trump would see their folly in thinking American is “great” or any nation might even become so. That the kingdom of God has no relationship…none…with the world or its ways. We must be about our Father’s business too.
Lord God, we pray for this New World Order pawn, custom made for these times to deceive the unsuspecting Americans captured by the world system. That he would never feign a real faith in Christ and draw the deceived Christian into his web. Father, save this man from his tremendous sins, among them drug use and homosexuality. We pray for his lost wife and precious daughters too. Save them all, oh God, from the lake of fire, and eternal damnation.
And, Father, open the eyes of well-meaning but deceived Christians advisors like Joel Hunter of Orlando who I know personally and that is this President’s “advisor.” Let Hunter see that by their fruits he will know them. Let Hunter rebuke him as the Word commands and have nothing to do with this man (2 Tim. 3) based on the President’s heinous sin of same-sex marriage support. Let the so-called church members pursue Your kingdom exclusively. The world is dying and passing away…it cannot be or never will be improved.
W Bush
Oh God, save this arrogant man from eternal perdition! He is such a pawn in the New World Order and their antichrist, as he follows in his father’s footsteps of sexual perversion. He loves to kill his enemy, get wealthy, demean his opposition, and lie regularly. He was totally in on the 911 inside job false flag killing all those souls. He throws a few bones to the Christian right, and lives just like the world. My Lord, make a new creation of him after he deeply repents! We pray also for his wife and daughters, as well as his lost brothers and parents.
And, Father, we pray for the deceived Christian leaders who say they pray weekly with President Bush. Especially the leader who also prays with the President and picked me up at the Dulles airport admonishing me for writing the truth about the President and his evil ways. Help them all to see the President’s perverted sex life.
Our Master and Creator, we pray for President Clinton that he repent of his ways and follow Christ all his days. There is such deception in his life and those who surround him. May You take the scales off his eyes so that he will clearly see the folly of his life, and his web of lies. We also pray for his evil wife and their lost daughter.
And, Father, we pray that our brother Tony Campolo, drifting towards apostasy, who confided in me he was personally in the White House praying for the President, see Clinton for who he really is: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And the other Christians would pray for this President too, not just the right wing Republicans.
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,
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