Sister Barbara has done a mighty job of detailing the abuse, neglect, and desertion in the body of Christ and the tool on the victims. She takes a careful look at the Bible’s stand on when is divorce and remarriage permissible. Written as most of these helpful books are from a woman’s perspective as the victim, the book states that the husband can take the same role: as the victim too.
She liberally quotes David Instone-Brewer as one of the most helpful sources in the kingdom concerning this most vital topic and need.
As most authors do, she delves into the physical aspect and discusses the emotional aspect to some extent. She does not take the obvious conclusion to its end on the tool of the emotional abuser, which is ordinarily the destruction of the victims health physically. And that this abuser has broken the marriage vows by their unrepentant refusal to acknowledge this abuse.
This book is excellent and will give the reader another resource to make the convincing case for divorce and remarriage in many many cases.
Buy this resource here.
From the book description:
When is divorce biblically permissible and when is it forbidden? Is remarriage ever permissible for a divorced Christian? The questions are particularly difficult for Christian victims of marital abuse, who often believe they must choose between two unpleasant alternatives: endure abuse, or face condemnation by God and his church for disobeying the bible.
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,
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