Let’s be crystal clear on one biblical fact that is undeniable: the typical Sunday-morning-go-to-service is neither described nor prescribed in the New Testament. It’s origin is from the apostate Roman church in the 300’s. It has nothing to do with the design and true pleasure of our great God.
The history of this monstrosity is portrayed excellently in Viola and Barna’s book Pagan Christianity and can be found here. You may also see extensive home church information here.
Thanks again for requesting us to pass on some pointers on simple assemblies of believers, or better known as home, or house, church. Of course, we all know that some cannot meet in a home for various reasons: economic, persecution, lack of interest from others, etc.
Rather than a narrative, we offer this in a list form with accompanied Scripture support. Let’s begin.
Home (House) Church Pointers
1 Eternal Purpose – The Father’s eternal purpose is to populate, mature, and complete the kingdom of God, and was carried out by the Lord Jesus. Matt. 3.2; Luke 4.43; Rev. 5.10; Ephesians 3.10-12
2 Christ is Head – Jesus Christ is the Head of His body. Colossians 1.18
3 The Spirit Leads – Christ’s Holy Spirit will lead at all times. John 16.13
4 His Power in the Word – Everything pertaining to spiritual life and godliness is found in His power, His Word. 2 Peter 1.3
5 The Devil Pollutes – The devil himself twists and pollutes the Lord God’s holy Word. 1 Timothy 4.1; 2 Cor. 11.14-15
6 False American Gospel – The devil originates and preaches the demonic American gospel. 2 Cor. 11.14
7 Cloud of Witnesses – There’s a great cloud of witnesses in the spirit world, and a cosmic battle. Heb. 12.1; Job 1.7-12; Psalm 82
8 Pleasing & Displeasing God – We can please, or displease, the Lord in all ways. Colossians 1.10
9 Proof of Love – The only proof of our love is our faithful obedience to all His commands. John 14.15
10 Glory & Obedience – Glory to God, and to us, is the result of our obedience. John 8.54; John 17.22
11 Good or Evil Traditions – All traditions are either from God and good, or Satan and evil. Mark 7.3; 1 Cor. 11.2
12 Serve God or Satan – You cannot serve God and Satan. Luke 16.13
13 God Works in Sin Then Withdraws – God works for a time in sinful situations, but eventually withdraws from full blessing since the vast majority of “pastor” controlled church stifles the Holy Spirit and even ruins faith by not preaching the whole counsel of God causing the blood of people on the head of the leaders. John 10.1; 1 Thes. 5.19-20; Acts 20.26-27
14 Be Persuaded But Not Blind Obedience – Believers are not to blindly “obey” their leaders, since the Greek word means “to be persuaded” similar to the insertion of the word “office” that was deliberately added to control people, and rebuking persistently sinful leaders is commanded. Hebrews 13.17; 1 Timothy 5.20
15 Congregation, Not Church – The word “church” is not an accurate description of God’s people, the ecclesia, since congregation is superior. Acts 4.32; Acts 6.5; Hebrews 2.12
16 The Ecclesia is God’s Body – God’s body, the ecclesia or called out ones, is a family of families, the sons of God. Matt. 5.9; Ephesians 3.15
17 Weekly Assemblies in Homes – The only type of weekly church meeting among all the saints in the New Testament met in homes for this is God’s commanded tradition. Acts 2:46; Acts 2:42; Acts 5:42; Acts 20:20; Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15; Philemon 1:2
18 Meeting Types – There are many types of meetings in the New Testament, not just home assemblies. Titus 2; Acts 6.4; 12.5; 15; 19.9; 28.23-29
19 Just Meet Only Yearly Then – If biblical traditions of meeting week in and week out aren’t followed, then believers are free to meet just once a year on Tuesday midnight in June at the General Motors building in Detroit Michigan. 1 Cor. 16.2
20 Meetings For Believers – The meetings are for believers, to build them up for the work of service. Ephesians 4.12
21 Pagans May Be in Meetings – Pagans may enter and the secrets of their hearts are disclosed. 1 Cor. 14.24-25
22 Main Reason to Meet – The main reason for the weekly meeting was to eat the Lord’s Supper, a full meal called the love feast. 1 Cor. 11.20
23 Preserve Unity & Peace or Division & Hell – Being diligent in preserving God given unity in agreement on all doctrines is the main way God commands us to behave, or hell in the result. Eph. 4.3; 1 Cor. 1.10; 11.18-19; 12:25; Jude 1.19
24 God Causes’ Sickness & Death for Disunity – Disunity in the Lord’s Supper causes God to strike believers with sickness, and kill others who have drifted away from unity and causing others to stumble. 1 Cor. 11.18-32; Matt. 18.6
25 All Participate in Weekly Meetings – All believers are expected to participate in the weekly meetings, and are not led by a “pastor” or exclusively by elders, with no one monopolizing the time, causing disruption, or drawing attention to self, while lengthy matters may be tabled until after the meeting. 1 Cor. 14.26
26 Unbiblical Institution Church – The pastor, sermon, church building, and passive congregations are all unbiblical and aren’t what Paul practiced when he visited his church plants to dialogue, and can also happen in home churches. Acts 20.7
27 Unbiblical Home Groups – Home groups are never home churches, and often are a way for the institutional leaders to force “agreement” regarding sinful traditions and doctrine thereby lording it over the flock. 1 Peter 5.3; 2 Cor. 1.24
28 Women’s Role in Meetings – Prophesying, praying, exhortation, etc. are all activities that involved women in the New Testament. 1 Cor. 11.5; Acts 21.7-9
29 Women As Apostles – Junia, a woman, was a fellow apostle of Paul’s and directly mentioned in the Word. Romans 16.7
30 Women Teach Men – Priscilla, wife of Aquila, taught Apollos a better way. Acts 18.26
31 Mistranslated Bible Passages – The Bible passages dealing with the silence of women have been mistranslated or erroneous inserted to stifle half of the body of Christ, for we’re to never practice interpretation by exception. 1 Cor. 14.34
32 Women To Never Control Men in Meetings – Paul’s command was for women not to usurp or control their husbands, or other men, but never to silence women. 1 Tim. 2.11-15
33 Women and Their Husbands – Women, then, may participate in all assembly activities, but to submit to their own husbands in all ways legal, moral, and non-abusive. 1 Cor. 14.26, Ephesians 5.24
34 Fruit Not Funny – Meetings are mostly solemn, sober, and sensible being occasionally humorous, but not punctuated by silliness or being “funny,” as the fruit of the Spirit are observed. 2 Tim. 4.5; Gal. 5.22-23; Titus 2.2, 5-6
35 Wait For the Holy Spirit – At times, the meetings may experience silence as we wait for Spirit to move. John 16.13; Luke 4.1; Romans 8.14
36 Holy Spirit Leads and Moves – The Holy Spirit may direct several people to contribute very similar things as a theme develops as He leads, directs, and moves. Acts 2.4; 19.16; Mark 16.17
37 Main Reason For Meeting – Since the Lord’s Supper, a full meal, is the main reason for the meeting, all may bring food to both celebrate in thanksgiving and “remind” God to return for us. 1 Cor. 11.10
38 Correct Financial Support – Financial support is primarily for the saints, the advancement of the kingdom, and the support of those who work hard at preaching and teaching, for God loves a cheerful giver. 1 Tim. 5.17; 2 Cor. 8
39 Meet For Hours and Hours – The assembly may meet for many hours, and not on any specific day to give the saints full flexibility for those needing schedule accommodation for sickness, job, travel, etc. especially when visiting leaders, etc. are honored and given prime time. Acts 20.7
40 Children Are Present – Children of all ages were present and not in some back room with a fairly unknown non-family member, since the apostle’s letters were passed around from group to group and read aloud. Ephesians 6.1
41 Do Not Forsake The Extra Assembly – Not forsaking the extra assembling of the saints refers to home assembly meetings, not institutional church, and the apostating believers who went back to the pagan synagogues and neglected the home assembly meetings. Hebrews 10.23-25
42 Leaders, Elders, Deacons – Leaders, elders, and deacons, both men and women, were both recognized, acknowledged, and anointed for service. Titus 1.5; 1 Tim. 5.17; 1 Tim. 3.10-13
43 Men Are More interested – By and large, men are more interested in home assemblies than women, since the institutionalized western church has been greatly feminized and panders to women who are 75%+ of the attendees, control 100% of the married sex, and greatly influence the majority of the financial support given. 1 Tim. 2.11-14; 1 Cor. 16.13
44 Home Church Blowups Are the Norm – The average US home church blows up in 6-12 months since arrogant irreconcilable stonewallers who are disapproved by God must be brought to the light, and often they never reassemble but retreat back to the traditions of man as you patiently wait for the next move of God our Lord to begin a new assembly. 1 Cor. 11.2; 19; Matt. 15.13; Mark 7.8
45 Expect Great Opposition – You’ll be greatly opposed by many institutionalized people and American Gospel folks who follow a deceptively false Jesus calling themselves believers that desire no true unity of one Body, or truth about simple home assemblies. Matt. 5.10-12; 10.34-39
46 Keep Going and Don’t Go Back – Don’t go back to unbiblical institutional church even if your culture promotes disunity and demands people to abandon the biblical home assemblies. Galatians 6.9; Rev. 2.10; James 1.12; Matt. 5.9-12
Amen and amen!
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries, www.WalkWorthy.org
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