Are you unmarried now? Or in your current marriage are there significant physical limitations preventing you from the physical intimacy of sexual love at this point in time? If so in either case, then perhaps you want to pass on reading this article if it might cause you to stumble in your walk with God. Please seek the Spirit for His guidance if He wants you to continue.
Are your physical marriage “celebrations” extremely satisfying? Or are they so-so? Or might there be a real problem?
Are you a wife who feels mostly unloved, and even demeaned, by her husband? Is he harsh, and bitter towards you? Does he worship sports or his job? Or both? Is he AWOL with the kids, church, and developing a deeper walk with God? So therefore, it’s really tough to display sexual, erotic love? Maybe you find love making “celebrations” downright revolting with your husband?
Is your life with him in general just boring and routine with little imagination or variety?
Are you freezing him out of the bedroom as a weapon in response? Or in retaliation to arguments? Could this be a major cause for his attitude and actions toward you?
Are you a husband who feels greatly disrespected since your wife virtually ignores your sexual needs and appetites? Is your wife just ambivalent to the whole thing, hardly ever initiating physical contact? Do you feel frozen out of your own bed, and/or she being just too tired? Maybe she’s putting most of her energy, say 99.9%, into the kids and/or grand kids?
Or worse yet, into the church? Is this her real lover at heart? Do you feel deeply in your own heart you have to compete with everybody for your wife’s affections, and a little bit of bedroom time?
Are you putting more and more time into your work? And into your sports? And into your hobbies? And even your church activities? Is the blasted TV on most of the time in the bedroom?
Do you just feel disrespected, demeaned, and fighting more often than not to be understood and to have a real voice?
Are you being tempted to look at other women? Have you fallen prey to the wiles of pornography since your sexual needs are going unfulfilled? Yikes….
This article is not about severe and significant problems like physical or high emotional abuse. Or sexual perversion. If this is you, please seek immediate help. A separation may be in order for a time.
God is the author of holy pleasure. And we know rightly that He loves His creatures beyond our understanding, and this plays out in His multiple ways of pleasing us. And what pleasure might that bring Him?
Every good and perfect gift originates from His infinite mind, His generous heart, His indescribable patience, and His justifiable wrath that lovingly separates the wheat from the chaff, and any hint of evil from righteousness.
In the mind of God from eternity past there has always existed unique and seemingly bizarre methods (at least to human beings) to bring loving pleasure to Himself and His creatures. One is physical suffering in the human condition with victorious overcoming under extreme circumstances.
Another is contented praise in loneliness when waiting for the Lord to answer. These are but a few of the ways He lovingly grows our character through trustful faith.
And we can be assured when we find pleasure in His ways, He finds pleasure in our pleasure with Him! Don’t we do the same when our children respond to us similarly?
Holy sex is God’s idea, and we say to Him, “Go, God!” Thank you, dear Father, for this precious and satisfying gift.
After all, He could have made procreation mundane and boring, like gathering the same tasting manna day after day. Those creatures in the animal kingdom do so only out of instinct and sustainability. But He choose to make it probably the most physically and emotionally satisfying pleasure known to a married man and woman who truly love each other and desire to be one in Him. You most likely know exactly what I mean!
The Father’s eternal purpose of full restoration of His perfect kingdom to Himself is wrapped up in holy sex. It’s the vehicle that He allows us to enjoy, to be fruitful, and multiply, so that He can draw all people to Himself. He then can save a few on the narrow road, populate His kingdom with loyal subjects, and afterwards turn the kingdom back over to Jesus to reign as the King of kings and Lord of Lords.
To Adam and Eve, He commands:
Genesis 1:27-28 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
To Noah, He commands:
Genesis 9:1,7 And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth….”As for you, be fruitful and multiply; Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it.”
As a young boy of 10 or so, I was introduced to sex by finding a discarded pornographic magazine in the alley one summer day in Chicago where I grew up. I hid it for days in my fathers’ workshop and returned to feast upon it daily. My unsaved parents never spoke with me about sex, so I learned about it on the street. Literally. And it took a long time until I was saved to not view it as mostly “dirty.” I’d venture to say a number of you have had the same experience.
It’s high time we overcome the devil and his schemes in this area, no?
Now, stay with me here if you will. This may be a difficult concept at first, but….
God is there in the marriage bed with you and your spouse, not turning His head in shame or because sex is somehow “dirty.” He’s fully engaged as an interested bystander, in your spirit with His Holy Spirit. Of course, we’re assuming you’re using this priceless gift in a proper, honorable, and holy way. Not in some wacko, perverted way.
I assume God loves the pleasure we bring Him when His idea of holy sex is obediently celebrated in our most holy matrimony! Becoming one physically with our spouses in some spiritual way communicates to us the intimacy, humility and vulnerability of God’s relationship desires with His children.
Most of us probably don’t think of sex in that perfect and mature way. There’s a murky history that was most likely introduced by the world. Can you join with me in asking Jesus for more grace to overcome past history that may be blocking your enjoyment?
And let’s recall:
“Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” (Hebrews 13:4)
His word proclaims we can supremely “pleasure” Him in every way. Every way, dear friends, includes holy sex:
Col. 1:9-10 For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God
And yet, He is the author of all our pleasure: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. So, our great God is the God of all wonderful things. And in that list He provides for our journey here on His earth, few are more pleasurable than His original, unique, and bizarre idea of holy sex!
Agreed? Go God!
In the New Testament record, God addresses the wives first. There’s a reason for this, woman. You’re influence over men is astronomical.
Dear wife, do you want your husband to love you more? Or better? Or at all? Look first to your own life and ask the Holy Spirit if you’re respecting your husband in offering (and enjoying) holy sex as you ought.
Chances are you’re not. And that is the biggest form of disrespect in his life. Trust me on this one. Most Christian men I know are sexually starving, or at least way, way underweight in this area. say, you don’t know this man. You’re right. But I dare say that if we as believers get the beams out of our own eyes first, we can see clearly to obey in other ways. Grace upon grace is promised to flow.
Respect him here. We know you love him in your way. Love him in this way, his way. It’s the way most important to him. And to God for you to please God. It may be your cross to carry until God changes your husband’s heart and make it truly enjoyable. Your body belongs to him until death do you part. It may be the “worse” part in the “for better or worse.” It’s good to remember Paul’s admonition:
1 Cor. 7:3-5 The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
If you drive him, dear wife, to another woman or a prostitute or to pornography because of your lack of sacrificial Calvary sexual love, God will in part hold you responsible for causing him to stumble when you meet Him at His throne (2 Cor. 5:10). Say NO, wives, to the unnecessary distractions and serve your husband here. Serve him. Be a real help meet. Stop all the church stuff and social media and girl friends, etc.
Get enough rest. Take care of yourself. For goodness sakes, lose that weight once and for all. God will make a way. We males are visual, you know. Blame God for making us this way, if you dare. It’s His fault, right? Your first job is your husband, not the kids or the church, for heaven’s sake. Hearing “well done” depends on it.
Finally, stop nagging him. It’s total demonic disrespect. It will only drive him further to anger and/or underground. Why not try something biblical, by winning him without a word (1 Peter 3)? Accompanied with lots and lots of prayer. And praise him every day for at least one thing. Does he work at a job every day? Does he refrain from beating you every week? Ok, there’s two quick ones out of 365 a year!
OK, men. Your turn in the barrel.
You must give yourself up for her. Like dying to yourself. Like Christ. Be like Jesus. Not like Bill Gates chasing money and egotistical renown. Or Tim Tebow sinfully taunting his competition. Or NASCAR and all their worldly shenanigans. Or even hunting or fishing. Or anything that continuously gets in the way.
She is your first and most important job until death do you part. But..but…she’s a (fill in the blank.) Yes, perhaps. How are you contributing in ways you can’t (or refuse) to see? Pray and fast, practice being quiet and listening, then ask her what she sees in you. Don’t defend right yet. Listen. Listen. Listen some more. And then go seek the Spirit. And those who know you. Fix yourself first. Get the beam out. It’s God’s will.
Ask her to forgive you. For everything. And stop being so boring and fast in bed. You know, slam bam…Love her slooooooooooooooow. That’s part of living with her in an understanding way. And not getting your prayers hindered.
Fix some of the stuff around the place she’s been asking you about forever. Spend time, lots of time, with her and the kids. Stop spending all, or most of, your time in church if you’re so inclined. Read the Word with her. Lead in prayer with the family in both the AM and PM. Do something unexpected. Get one of those 1000 Ways to Love Your Wife books. They’re real good.
Turn off the TV. Turn off the internet. If you’re one of the many addicted to porn and headed for perdition, get the brothers in your life together to help you confess, pray, be delivered, and kept accountable. Begin it today, dear brother, before God cuts you off in His wrath. Memorize Paul’s warning to himself in 1 Cor. 9:27 so he wouldn’t become a reprobate.
Take out the garbage every day, not just once to make a statement. Keep the toilet seat down. Hang up your clothes every day. Buy her some flowers. Help her in the garden. Sing hymns and spiritual songs with her.
Hey, lose the gut, brother. Get yourself in shape first. Go to bed earlier, and take a long walk in the morning before work. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and eating for comfort. Hey, that’s a weakness of mine too but I’m now back real close to my ideal weight after almost 4 decades. You can do it too.
Praise her for her spiritual gifts. For her cooking. For her smile. For graciously putting up with your requirements (demands?) for sex over the years when you knew she was dead tired, and when your body was not clean to her. For the 100’s (1000’s?) of ways she’s lightened your load. For how she helps with the kids.
Don’t nag her about her weight. What if she died tonight? Think carefully about that. Pray for her in this area.
And…take care of your personal hygiene. There’s nothing worse, I understand, from women then dirty, smelly, disheveled men that want sex. Carefully and thoroughly clean your body at night before bed, even if you’re not up for sex. Carefully and thoroughly are the operative words. Love her in this understanding way.
Prove it to her you care. Talk is cheap, pal. Pay particular attention to your genitals, your butt, your underarms, and shave your stubble or trim the beard. What did you do in this way on your wedding night? Do you remember? So what’s different now? What if God treated us with boredom and complacency after a few years? Ask for more grace, and obey.
Praise her for her great sexual response when she begins responding to you since you now consistency do your job for God. Maybe you’ll hear “well done” now when the time comes to stand in front of Jesus. You won’t if you fail to do your #1 job here and now.
How do you feel at work when someone you have to depend on just dogs it day in and day out? Angry? Frustrated? You bet….how do you think she may feel? She may be fearful and scared of you and your temper. If she is I guarantee you your kids are terrified too, and probably your co-workers. Repent. The demons will flee from you. God will deliver you if you seek Him. Perhaps others might help you here too. Nothing is too hard for Jesus. I know this firsthand, He delivered me some years ago.
Cuddle with her tonight, and tomorrow morning, and don’t ask for or require sex. Do this often. And she just might respond in kind over time. You be consistent. Trust me on this. God always rewards us, sometimes later, when we obey Him. But He’ll test you first to see what’s in your heart long term.
Michael Pearl’s book “Holy Sex” is stimulating. It’s biblical too! ORDER HERE
But more so is the Song of Solomon:
May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine.
Your oils have a pleasing fragrance, your name is like purified oil; draw me after you and let us run together! The king has brought me into his chambers.”
How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, And the fragrance of your oils than all kinds of spices! Your lips, my bride, drip honey; honey and milk are under your tongue, and the fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
Your two breasts are like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle which feed among the lilies. Until the cool of the day when the shadows flee away, I will go my way to the mountain of myrrh And to the hill of frankincense.
Whew! Will someone open a window here?
Men, try having a weekly date night. You make sure it happens. No talk about the kids, or grand kids. Well, almost none – if we get off track – we remember our rule: she and I are the focus for the night. Don’t answer the cell phone. If it’s an emergency, they’ll call 3 times in a hurry anyway if it’s vital.
Don’t fool with the kids when you get home. Have the baby sitter put them to bed. If they’re older, do as we did, and tell them “we’re not to be disturbed.” Smile, take each other’s hand and go lock the bedroom door. Many an argument has melted and been solved in a Godly way as spouses come together to “celebrate” God’s gift to us.
Can I get a bit personal here? Sometimes, spouses would laugh loudly still in our embrace after a tremendous orgasm because it’s just so much pleasure. Does God laugh with us too? I believe He does! Someday I want to ask Him about this!
In the Song of Solomon we have a deeply curious passage in the beginning of the 5th chapter where, in reality, God is speaking to the married sexual lovers as they make sexual love. Right in the presence of the Almighty, the author of all sexual pleasure! Unfortunately, the translators missed this gem, and wrongly attributed the last part of verse 1 to bridegroom Solomon:
Song of Songs 5:1b “…Drink and imbibe deeply, O lovers.”
Go God!
How did God make it so enjoyable? How did He do that?! I mean..He loves us, He created us, died for us, saved us, lives in us. He’s the King, and He’s full of wonder….wonder-full. Praise His holy name and thanks to Him for His holy sex.
And please….turn the TV off. For sure in the bedroom. And tomorrow do yourself a grace and take it out of the bedroom…forever. Would you please consider these words of wisdom? Please? Every marriage we know in trouble has a TV in their bedroom. So did every divorced couple we know. It’s pure poison there.
Holy sex is God’s idea, and we say to Him, “Go, God!.” Thank you, dear Father, for this precious and satisfying gift.
We realize you may be in a position where the marriage is in such difficulty it may be a long while until this recovers. Or you may be married to a stonewaller who is accusing you wrongly of sin and refusing to hear you out. And your spouse may have brought other church people into the fray, confusing the issue. Pray like there’s no tomorrow. And reach out to others to help yourself too.
Unless you’re physically unable, why not have a great time tonight with your married beloved, beloved?! And be sure to remember to praise God for this most excellent gift. The gift that keeps on giving.
Just thank Him…and let us know how it goes! Without the details, of course. Just the results in your relationship only!
You may see more about holy sex here.
These books are excellent and very revealing:
Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
You may view our Archives here: MONDAY MANNA – ARCHIVES; Complete Archives; feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion. May our Father richly bless you with His grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in order to walk worthy of His name.
Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Peter says
keep on preaching! the saints need to hear how to walk in fullness of relationship with our Daddy God , before they try and convert the lost, otherwise it is the blind leading the blind, and both will fall into a ditch!
Two other books worth recommending for marriage/ married or to be married people are:
Love & Respect and Cracking the Communication Code
by Eugene Eggerichs
These two fantastic books are based on Ephesians 5:33
Bless Ya Heaps
jesusislord says
Brother Peter,
Amen and amen. And Go God! He is the blessed Giver of all good and perfect gifts.
Brother Marc
Brother L says
Thank God…
jesusislord says
Indeed, brother, indeed!
Chris says
That was great hard hitting stuff. Mary and I were blessed years ago by the book “Sacred Sex” by Tim Allen Gardner. It changed our lives. Deliverance was another really big step in restoring the messed up concept of intimacy we had developed. I thank Father for the unspeakable gift we have received….for truly, having Father as an active participating (through His Holy Spirit) onlooker in our bedroom is precious.
Your fellow warrior for the Kingdom,
jesusislord says
Brother Chris,
Amen and amen! Thanks for your insightful and helpful comment. and for being a faithful brother to me and the ministy here.
Brother Marc
Brother Dave says
Hooo boy guys, that was a big one!! And it’s a subject that bothers me a lot at times. There’s a question that I haven’t got an answer to. I’ve been married and am divorced and I’ve experienced close sexual intimacy.
A female friend told me of a dance she watched in church, where the female dancer was approaching a representation of the Holy of holies. My friend told me that she felt an inexpressible holy and pure sexuality about it.
Sexuality is the most intimate and beautiful communication that we can have. And there is the Song of Solomon which is right there in the middle of the Holy Book.
But… there is no sex in heaven. We have the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where the Bridegoom and His Bride are to be united and face to face forever, beginning the most glorious worship that will never stop for all eternity … but it appears there will be not even the tiniest hint of sexuality whatsoever. I presume the joy of being in His presence in a state of worship forever will be more than sufficient intimacy.
Scripture speaks of a heavenly tabernacle, of which the earthly one is but a shadow. God gave us sex as a gift on earth, but what is its heavenly equivalent? Maybe there isn’t one?
My feeling is that my friend is out of line … but then, I wasn’t there. I didn’t see the dance.
Blessings – Dave
jesusislord says
Dave – thanks for writing! Good story and yes the dance if as you described was out of line. Heaven and God and fellowship and our work will most likely be 1000 times better than any sexual celebration with the best orgasm – so whose needs sex then!
Bob says
Sorry, I can’t see that you are a loving Christian man and for you to respond in such a manner causes me great grief. DO NOT EVER SEND ANY MORE MESSAGES TO ME!! YOU DO NOT KNOW TIM AND BOB TEBOW AS I DO AND HAVE NO INSIGHT INTO WHAT YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT THEM.
jesusislord says
Bob – we know the word and Jesus. Collectively we have the mind of Christ. By their fruits we will know them. If their eye is not clear and is evil, how great is the darkness in them. Your zeal has blinded you to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus – you are most likely following the gospel of American patriotic movement that also desires to demonically get rich and lay treasures up on earth..follow the words of Jesus, not Tim or Bob, Or Marc. But follow me as I follow Christ, and I with you, if indeed you follow Him. You should read Matthew 5-7 each day for 30 days and let it pierce your heart. Repent, and finally obey the whole counsel of God (Acts 20)…while you still have time..
Luke 6:46 “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?
Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’
Bob says
“Or Tim Tebow sinfully taunting his competition.” Please do not send me any of your opinions– remove me from any list!!!!!
Tim Tebow’s dad Bob has lead all most 20 million to the Lord– Tim Tebow led over 3, 000 in one meeting to Jesus and is one of the finest Christian I have ever known–
please don’t trash His name anymore!!!!!!!!! He has not married yet, why he’s not even been on a date, so don’t include him in your sex talks.
You may want to apologize to him now or maybe at the judgment seat of Christ.
jesusislord says
Brother – I’m glad Tim is leading people to the Lord. But what example is he showing in daily life? Beat your enemies? And when he taunts the competition, how is that loving his enemies? He’s sinful, brother, in at least that. That’s not trashing the name. That’s just what Jesus and all the saints did you bring holiness and honor to the Father. And what does his dad have to do with the discussion? Why mention him at all? I can’t follow your argument with that.
When I meet Tim, I’ll exhort him for his zeal, but have to correct his faulty gospel, and rebuke him for his militant spirit and his poor example to the Christians worldwide. Is he being like Jesus when he causes people to stumble when they become “fan-atical” for the Gators? God forbid. A “totem” is what many illiterate pagans worldwide build and then worship with all their heart and venerate like a god. What do you think God feels with this “totem pole” display of an aggressive ugly animal that tears up animals and people to eat them?.
And I’ll proclaim to brother Tim that he repent before HE gets to the judgment seat of Christ. You see, he, along with most American Christians have bought into the Satan’s lie that they’re doing God’s will by being involved in pagan activities. What a scheme old slew foot has pulled over their eyes. I used to be a part of all that. I know from where I speak. Trust me. God has delivered me from all this idolatry. Remember the emperor and his new clothes? It was the kids that had the courage to stand up, laugh at the king’s folly, and tell the truth.
We even had a group of so-called rich Christian businessmen bring the basketball team called the “magic” to Orlando. How can people have such a lack of discernment? The Ephesians burned all their magic stuff when they got saved. We Americans baptize the idolatry of sports and press on full speed ahead!
Check out the 5 churches in Rev 2-3. Many practiced sin which would disqualify them for heaven if they didn’t repent. If it doesn’t mean that, then why all the warnings to overcome? Because they were failing at overcoming at the point of the admonition.
I’ll be happy to remove you from our list. But you are showing your prejudice. Jesus named names. Paul named names. And we’re to watch the flock. God is not happy about all the sports idolatry. Perhaps that is why it irritated you. Sinful Christians are always called out to protect the flock from there influence. And Tim has a prominent role, and his example needs to be like Jesus. He said that Saturday in the paper that he wanted to hit someone hard after the injury to Percy. Isn’t that revenge, dear brother? Check your heart, it’s showing your loyalties.
I’m glad you read the sex talk. Hope is helps your celebrations as you love your wife as Jesus does His church! If a little accountability for a sports icon stirs up this much passion in you, you must be a real loving guy at home. Praise the Lord. How are you doing loving your wife? What would she tell me? Maybe I could ask her directly what she really thinks so she can give her unvarnished opinion to an independent third party. That’s a great way to find out some of the truth about what a man is really like. Every grace today as you strive in the Spirit o finally love your enemies and then prove you can be called a son of God (Matt. 5:45). J
Brother Jon says
Around 1982 The Wittenberg Door did their “Sex” issue, and it was a barn-burner. The cover showed a couple entwined in bed with a picture of Jesus on the wall above the headboard — with a blindfold covering his eyes!
It’s a classic.
jesusislord says
Brother Jon,
Yes, indeed! The Lord God designed sex for His pleasure as He sees our pleasure in one another…
Brother Marc
Roman says
Dear Marc
Your message on Sex was very good and it is noteworthy as just on Monday while hunting I wrote my wife two long letters saying some of the things you said. Wow sex is wonderful and more that thirty years of marriage has been such a blessing. No we do not always get it right. We have issues and attitudes to deal with but in case any women are reading this I would say “amen” to the part about respecting your husbands need to express his sexuality regularly and with passion.
If there is a response by the wife of initiating sometimes and showing enthusiasm her husband will likely walk over hot coals to bring her a glass of lemonade or maybe some thoughtful loving and more sexual pleasure.
A husband is not just about sex he finds the most pleasure when she finds pleasure in him and it becomes a tremendous spiral upwards and no doubt God is pleased and the satisfaction goes deep and will result in a close and mature love that then will reach out and motivate other couples to walk in love.
The Devil is so against sex after marriage but wants everyone to do it before. He will do anything to distract husbands and wives from really loving each other. Please give us more on the marriage relationship it is Gods picture of Christ with his bride.
jesusislord says
Amen, brother Roman…amen, indeed!
Brother Marc
Dickson Dennis says
You are blessed for touching on this topic. Blessings
admin says
Thx brother Dennis!
Debbie says
I uses to hate how he would cause a fight, yell at me, never ask forgiveness and then demand sex! At the point I least felt prepared for such a ‘holy’ act and yet if I refused the madness only got worse.
The last thing he said to me that killed any desire in me to want to stay in such an ungodly nightmare was that he was no longer attracted to me…yet what I know is that his psychosis medication can cause a loss of libido…yet he thinks I’m the problem 🙁
Anyway, we survive and as you said…”pray like crazy!”
One thing I would like to mention here is that dominating theme of cause and effect you used throughout your article. In my domestic violence class I learnt that for every abuser there are also many standing with the abuser who will then also victimise the victim and in religious groups this is very prevalent.
When a woman is blamed for her husbands poor behaviour you can guarantee you are only adding to her despair. Here are something’s that victimisers will say to the women:
‘You must have provoked him’
‘You are hysterical’
‘You deserve it’ – this is very subtle when a pastor is guilt tripping the wife for her ungodly behaviour in response to his, basically saying that we deserve the punishment our sin brings. Maybe God is like that…
‘You should try harder’
He is sick and needs your help’
‘Its good for you, keeps you in line.’
Every woman should know whose boss!’
‘You are his wife, it’s YOUR duty to please him.’
‘There must be something wrong with you.’
‘You should stay and fix it for the sake of the children.’
And I could keep listing the many comments thrown at a woman who is powerless over her husbands behaviour.
In each of your addresses to both partners you were also saying that their behaviour must change purely so the other person changes. Rarely was eithers behaviour addressed in regard to their own salvation.
We are commanded to walk in love…like Christ…and when He does it He never honed in on anyone’s multiple sins of the flesh, he never gave a long list of behaviour modifications they must make in order to cause another to change…He spoke of His Fathers House and a Kingdom not of this world and the kingdom this world is under and how we are not to judge by the flesh because only God knows the heart. Jesus approached people with ‘true justice’ which is mercy and compassion for the captivity we are under. He came with patience toward all, kindness toward all, long suffering toward all etc….the ministry that brought death was the law and it unveils our sinful nature and yet at the same time it unveils Our Redeemer.
We love because He loved us first, a man and a woman must first be allowing Christ to live His love in them and for them and only then can The Spirit overflow to the other in them spiritual songs of joy you spoke of…they come spontaneously in response to the love Christ is pouring forth within.
Most couples know that we demand from our spouse what only Christ can give because we too believe that if God dwells in our spouse then they bloody well should act like God…and fail to see we do.
admin says
Sister Debbie,
we’re so so sorry to hear about your suffering in this. I’ve modified the article to be clearer on seeking help if he is an abuser, even if getting him to move out for a while is the best move. Demonic deliverance is a must for both parties. And be certain you’re fulfilling your sexual role in keeping this part squeaky clean in your relationship. My heart goes out to you, dear one…do you have other Christian folks you can be accountable to at this time?
Felicia says
Thank you very much for the message.
God bless you all.
admin says
Sister Felicia — you’re so very welcome. If you have any add on’s to this, please write and let us know!
brother marc
Brother S says
Hi Marc, there are two fundamental principles in play where sex is concerned.
From a purely selfish perspective, it is all about a release of tension, and the reproductive aspect is an inconvenience to be surmounted. People with whom sex is a tension release will subconsciously manufacture the stresses needed to fuel the dynamic – ergo, if sex is a release of tension, to increase intensity and the subsequent sense of release, increase tension.
Now the key words are release and tension. If we are held in the tension of paradox between good and evil, ever seeking release from this prison, then sex will simply become another drug or means of release from the hell of self-torment and of conflict with others. We will manufacture the conflicts which bring the need for release. This principle is widespread and not just limited to sex – in fact – it is a core dynamic in the human condition.
When we discover the true release which only mutual forgiveness and love can bring, and we celebrate that as a couple and join together in the bands of joy, as prisoners of Christ, then it becomes a celebration of joy and assumes a dimension few ever achieve in sexual gratification – the combination of a loving expression between two equals before God in the mutual and shameless immersion in joy.
Because few really understand the face to face equality of the state of grace, and because most sex is in fact more akin to mutual masturbation, there is very little of this wholly and Holy consecrated sex. The inequality of the fall – “Your desire shall be to your husband and he shall rule over you” – which is part of the consequences of the fall, persists in most relationships, despite the protestation of people who would imagine otherwise, and this denial is the very thing which reinforces the dysfunction.
Simply put, if sex is a form of tension release rather than a celebration of love, then it is purely mechanistic and it loses its spiritual dimension, or more importantly, it may well assume a spiritual dimension which is antichrist, and which leaves one ever wanting release.
Peter spoke about this true release and sense of provision which God alone can provide in Christ, and if we got the horse before the cart, we can go anywhere the Lord intends for us to do.
jesusislord says
Some good points. We must remember that sex is both celebration and a release. Not an either-or as some perceive…For men, the release is also a matter of physiology! you can see the other posts on sex and the Christian here:
Blessings – Marc