By Kelly Tyler
(Note from Marc: the bloody picture here was reportedly taken during an FBI raid of a house in western America where human sacrifices were being performed.)
As Halloween approaches once again, I am amazed as always, at how many Christians either don’t understand this very religious holiday, or just choose to ignore what they know. It makes no more sense to celebrate Halloween “just for fun” than it would to celebrate Ramadan.
I spoke to one Christian Bible teacher and seminary student who thinks nothing of allowing her children to celebrate Halloween. I was shocked and when I voiced my surprise she conceded, “Well, I don’t really like how much candy they consume.”
“I can deal with the candy,” I responded, “It’s the human sacrifices that get to me!”
That’s right, human sacrifices in America. It happens every year. Satanists, or Lucifereans, as they prefer to be called, celebrate Halloween from October 13 through November 4, with sexual rituals on several dates and the sacrifice of an animal or human on the 31st.
According to Pastor Russ Dizdar of Shatter the Darkness, the victims for these rituals are usually abducted before the 13th of October. Pastor Russ has helped over 150 victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, spending hours with each of them, sometimes over a period of several years. All of them report having been used in ritual sacrifices.
Halloween is not fun and games to them.
For these people, many of them wholly devoted to the Lord Jesus, watching people celebrate Halloween would be like Jews having to watch people celebrate Hitler’s birthday! What is so confusing about this holiday for so many Christians?
Pastor Russ says, “They (the witches, Satanists, etc.) know what the date is for. They are not confused. They see it as a time to draw power from the spirit realm.”
Witches and New Agers and pagans of other types also celebrate Halloween, although they do not worship Lucifer, nor do they perform sacrifices. One witch interviewed by Jill Pearson of the Iowa State Daily reported, “We ritualize to honor the changing of the seasons, the movements of the moon and sun in relation to the earth,” she said. “We believe in magic, the art of changing consciousness at will.” Many also use this as a time to correspond with the dead.
All of these practices are forbidden by God.
Deuteronomy 18:10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [ Or who makes his son or daughter pass through ] the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft
At the very least, the concept of Trick or Treat is the opposite of Christ’s command to “Do unto others…” Even if there weren’t real pagans performing rituals to draw demonic power, the thought of celebrating death, fear and gore should be enough to cause Christ Followers to want nothing of it.
The fact is, though, Satanists and witches are real. The spirit realm is real. There are only two sides. There is no middle ground when it comes to Halloween. A leading member of Britain’s Pagan Federation had this to say in an MSNBC article by Jennifer Carlisle about Americans who celebrate Halloween “I think it’s wonderful how the Americans celebrate it; it keeps the tradition alive, but I wish there were more factualization about it.” How can we please Pagans and a Holy God at the same time?
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
What will you do? I agree with Pastor Russ’s admonition, “whatever you do, don’t join in and don’t be silent.”
More on Halloween and human sacrifice…
Read also:
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Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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joseph cotroneo says
it may be instructive to here
admin says
Brother Joe – thx for your continued vigilance for His kingdom – and the ongoing support of us here at Walk Worthy!
Love in Christ,
sugar says
I agree there are some people who claim they are witches/Satanists/Luciferians who believe that human sacrifice is necessary. However, the true believers in the craft abhor and condemn the taking of life. Life is sacred, life is pure, it is to be respected and protected.
Take a look at Hollywood for your answer to where these hideous human fecal matter get their beliefs from!! Educate yourself before you condemn yourself folks! What is going on here is profiling. You say we witches/Satanists/Luciferians are doing this. Just because of a few nut cases or sadistic youths are committing these horrendous crimes, you categorize them with us!??? That’s like saying a black kid with his pants hanging off his behind is a criminal!! That kid could be an all star about to be drafted into the best university!!! It’s because of fear and ignorance that makes people like me avoid Christianity…oh, wait…that would mean I would be profiling You too wouldn’t it?
We don’t live in the dark ages anymore. Educate yourselves. Learn what people are about before you pass judgement on them.
admin says
Sugar —
You’re obviously NOT a follower of Jesus Christ…but your logic dear one is flawed.
If you truly believe that life is sacred, then you will come to the One who is Life, the Living Water. There’s only two religions in the world. One is “works only,” which frighteningly is where you find yourself. This says you will decide which works are needed to achieve some undefinable goal or destination – which makes you God. The other religion is “grace then works” which says the unearned favor of God the Father is extended freely through Christ to you – it levels the playing field for every creature made by Him…
Do you see what I’m proclaiming to you? You can not dictate your own way to some destination that you can’t even define. You are lost. As I was 25 years ago. Repent, don’t perish, and believe the good news! His love will draw you to your true heart’s desire.
Your friend,
Leo Kolo says
There is where Satan is looked at as an “angel of light” Beware!
jesusislord says
Amen brother Leo — amen…you wouldn’t believe the comments I get from professing Christians about “Oh, it’s not so bad” on this evil thing…
thanks for writing…
Tony says
This post fails to distinguish between what a small group of people might do on a holiday and what that holiday is for.
Now I am all for learning the history of an event and not celebrating those events which have been built upon massacre. But that is not what this post is arguing.
Imagine for a second if some mass murderer was using Christmas as the time to ritually kill people. That wouldn’t ruin Christmas. Neither should Halloween be defined by the actions of some tiny group – if they even exist.
After all; “Pastor Russ has helped over 150 victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, spending hours with each of them, sometimes over a period of several years. All of them report having been used in ritual sacrifices. ”
If they were used in sacrifices who was he talking to.
jesusislord says
First, was there anything in the article that helped you on to more maturity in Christ? I certainly hope so! We spent a lot of time and trouble to research, edit and write this piece. The signal I receive from your comment here is only criticism…
Second, we’re to avoid anything that might cause someone to stumble. The apostle Paul dedicated 3 whole chapters on this to the fiercely independent carnal Corinthian church body. Halloween has nothing, absolutely nothing, of holiness in it. We’re to be holy in all our behavior…
Third, Xmas is also a totally pagan holy-day and has no truck with your argument here! See
Fourth, Pastor Russ is obviously speaking about those who were used in some fashion, or escaped. We know ex-witches who participated in “killing’ things…the murder of Americans on this day is very very real…
I strongly suggest that you repent of try to teach us here of something you obviously know very little about…and inquire with questions instead of advocating with bold disagreement and illogical statements! You don’t want to be considered a stonewaller to Jesus Christ. See
I am your brother in the Lord…
James C. Morris says
I grew up in a strong Christian home that never realized the evil reality of halloween. I celebrated it every year as a child. It was only after I married that my wife made me realize the stark evil I was celebrating.
Then, we decided to use “trick or treat” as an outreach tool, giving out gospel tracts with candy to the children. That is when we came face to face with the reality of this wicked day. We were demonically attacked in a manner that defies description. Now we will have nothing to do with this horrible celebration of wickedness.
jesusislord says
Brother James,
We so appreciate your perspective and how the Holy Spirit has led you to this startling conclusion. Please continue to proclaim the holiness of God, and the severe danger of playing with the devil’s ‘hol-y-days’ in any way! Blessings dear one.