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A picture is worth a thousand words. And a great movie about God and His saints can stir our hearts and lead us to actually obey His loving and gracious commands. The creation and life during recorded time is all about His kingdom and the glory (magnification) it brings to the Father and His King, the Christ…
Let us not be using movies in place of God’s exhortations. For we all in the affluent west and other parts of the world can use our Christianity as a-muse-ment and miss Him and the Holy Spirit to do His will. If we’re not walking worthy of Him, then the idol of a-muse-ment can seductively capture our heart and create a spiritual stupor.
Are we loving God intimately by practicing the spiritual deeds He requires to enter into final eternal life with Him? Always do these first and foremost before any movie about Him and His saints. In other words, are we a doer of the Word, or just a “watcher” of the Word?
No saint wants to be guilty of Dead Sea Christianity: always flowing in and never flowing out. The Jordan River is always flowing south…towards the Dead Sea!
Movie 1) St. John in Exile – featuring Dean Jones
Our dear brother Dean here presents the apostle John in exile on the island of Patmos, the hell-hole were the worst offenders of the Roman empire were sent for imprisonment. This is a marvelous live stage production and is riveting in both of the two acts. Dean also was featured as the physician Luke in the movie dramatization call Acts.
Movie 2 – The Radicals – the gripping story of our spiritual ancestors, the Anabaptists.
Modern day western Christianity for the most part bears little resemblance to the radical call of holiness that the Lord Jesus Christ commanded in His teaching in Matthew 5-7. As a new Christian in the late 80’s, I was diligently searching for the real Jesus…and God answered my cry. In a sovereign move of God, he introduced me to our brethren the Anabaptists (meaning “to baptize again”) from Europe in the early part of the 1500’s.
These simple and dedicated people just wanted to live like our Lord in their dealings with their enemies, with money, and the poor, blind, lame, and crippled. In so doing, they caused a furor of murderous opposition from not only the Pope and his armies…but also self-declared Christians like Martin Luther. Yes, that’s right. Martin Luther was directly responsible for the murder of 1000’s of these dear saints since he hated their doctrine of following the ‘inner Spirit.’
Watch now as Micheal Sattler, an ex-priest, and his wife, Margaretha, an ex-nun, marry and are chased down for their faith, apprehended, and tried as criminals of the “state.” Learn the true truth about our brave and sacrificial ancestors in Christ. You will never be the same again in your commitment to God the Father.
The full length movie was removed from YouTube. But a trailer and short segment remain.
Movie 3 – Gospel of John – word for word rendition of John’s gospel as walked out by a most believable Jesus Christ.
The saints from the Visual Bible have done the current kingdom a great service for this excellent dramatization of the life of Christ. When viewing this in its almost 3 hour entirety, you will see why Jesus our Lord suffered so very much opposition and hatred from His human creatures. Either we fall on the stone willingly and are broken to pieces…or the stone falls on us and we are scattered like dust (Luke 20.18).
Movie 4 – The Hidden Faith Of America’s Founding Fathers – By Christian Pinto
Our dear brother and film maker Christian Pinto does Christ’s body a great service by offering this 3 hour documentary about the truth regarding the men and spirits who founded America. See how God was in the midst of this occultic origin and its rebellion against His stated authority over the 13 colonies in the form of the English king. The modern day war cry of ‘taking back America’ will ring empty when we know the truth – for if we continue in His Word, we shall know the truth and that truth will set us free.
Movie 5 – God Of Wonders – Documentary
Our great God and Savior is the author of not only our faith…but of all kingdom wonders! Watch now as this excellent hour and a half documentary takes us all on a tour of the Ancient of Days and His world.
Movie 6 – The Hiding Place – the gripping story of Corrie Ten Boom and her family
As a new Christian in the late 1980’s, everything was new and exciting with the new birth. But reading His Word and history, I knew in my spirit that all was not rainbows and unicorns as portrayed in the western church. The incomplete, sentimental, hyper-feminized and false gospel of Billy Graham-Max Lucado-Rick Warren-Dave Ramsey-George W. Bush-Tim Tebow religion had anesthetized many of my peers in His body…but this movie helped me and my family escape from the American Jesus. Watch as God uses great suffering in the Ten Boom family during the Jewish Holocaust of World War II. We can expect similar treatment in the coming days we suspect. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Movie 7 – Acts of The Apostles – every verse in the book of Acts portrayed in drama
It was a summer evening in Florida as I stood in the center of the room with tears streaming now my face. The last scene in this drama united Luke the physician and the apostle Paul late in their life after many harrowing adventures for the kingdom of God. It may be my favorite movie scene of all time. The love and joy in these two saints toward each other and God is unmistakable. I begged the Lord that very night to allow us here in the barren West to encounter true kingdom work that builds these deep relationships like that. Other than a miscast for the apostle Peter, this is fairly good. And Dean Jones as Luke is noteworthy. The book of Acts comes to life, and we thank God for the saints from the Visual Bible who carefully produced it for the body of Christ.
Movie 8 – The Privileged Planet – Documentary
As far as any human being can tell, the Earth is the only place in the universe that has the privilege of the miracle of life as we know it. The movie here is excellent for outreach, and helping to solidify our growing faith. Our children will marvel and appreciate all God has done to draw us into His kingdom and His Son!
Movie 9 – Jesus, the Blind Man, and the Hypocrisy of the Scribes and Pharisees
These dramatic clips depict our Lord as He truly is: a God Who will not bow down to His creatures, despises stonewalling and stumbling, and calls us all to account. The real Jesus Christ is our Lord, Friend and Savior through the Father’s decree…if we obey His commands (John 14-17), and don’t depart and fall away from the faith (1 Timothy 4, Hebrews 10, etc), as we endure to the end and pray that we escape all these things that are about to come upon the world (Luke 21.46). As Chuck Colson said in the late 80’s if Jesus were to come today to the West, the false religious leaders who wish to keep their place (power) and position (mammon) would kill Him again.
Let us all follow and walk with the Jesus Who is, not the One of our our manufacture. I, for one, am anxious to meet the blind man from John 9 and once again see first hand his personal stand against these spiritual bullies. And of course meeting and worshiping the Jesus Who healed Him and was murdered by these same wretches ensnared by Satan himself.
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alisha says
Very well done. I live in Europa and i pray we could have plays like this. Awesome job. I even feel that it can pull at the heart of a nonbeliever. God is great this is a wounderful reinactment of the time spent with our king. God bless you all
jesusislord says
God bless you dear sister! This play of John in exile is a classic – I can’t imagine brother Dean memorizing all these lines – 2 hours worth! and the acting too. We did a few plays in high school with a few lines, but this is spectacular…
thanks for writing!
Brother Marc