Dear ones,
The modern day western Gospel is so anemic I wonder at times if God is embarrassed to be associated with it. As Bruce Wilkinson of Walk Through the Bible spoke to me face to face as a new believer in the late ‘80’s, “Marc, Jesus is not vague.” I’ll always remember his chuckle and twinkle in his eye that muggy Friday night long along ago in Orlando as God was shaping this writer’s new heart…thanks be to the Lord for all of us delivered into His great kingdom!
As we survey the Gospel landscape these days, what do we mainly see? Half truths, gross distortions, and an occasional rare gem of pure truth that usually gets lost in the shuffle. Post-modern spiritual confusion reigns under the direction of the king of this world, our ancient nemesis. The immaturity in the church of Jesus here in the west is appalling at best.
Nothing is more apparent in the distortion of truth than the false teaching that God the Father (if they ever speak of our Father in heaven) is perfectly content with, even preferring, small baby steps in our walk of faith.
This is simply untrue.
God loves the dramatic.
He is dramatic.
In a bit, I’ll illustrate just 10 examples from God’s Holy Word.
Anticipation, wonder, fear…all these emotions, they must have felt.
Imagine, if you can, the entire Orlando area of 2,500,000 people getting up and moving at one time, and in one direction. No gas powered vehicles, but only rickety noisy carts, animals, donkeys, young women with crying babies, old men on mats of sickness being dragged along, bags of food, barking dogs, meager possessions, zealous young men vocally urging them all along.
Along off Neweiba Beach in Egypt (see the picture above) where they had recently arrived, the only beach in the entire world that can hold millions of people and all their animals and possessions. It can be seen clearly from satellite photos.
They traveled along and into a dry, smooth 6 degree slopped path surrounded on both sides by startling walls of surging, foaming water formed by strong east wind all throughout the night.
Into the Red Sea. The Gulf of Aqaba. And seven long long miles to the other side in Arabia. Even the remains of the chariot wheels on still on the sea floor!
Can you say drama? Moses’ staff is lifted up in air. God says to him (Ex. 14.15) “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.”
The water is up. The land is dry, absolutely dry. They move out.
I wonder who was first in between the walls of water?
Was it Joshua? Caleb?
Did the first ones run forward, stop, look around at the water piled up so high, turn around and shout, smiling broadly in graceful courage, “Brethren, come…our God is highly exalted!”
I can’t wait to see this played out on God’s video screen, and maybe He’ll just recreate it in real time! Is anything too hard for our great awe-some God?
The angel of God going ahead and behind them, full protection…that’s our Jesus, our course!
Evil demon influenced Pharaoh and his high testosterone army is chomping at the bit to murder them all. All of them, every one dead.
Drama…drama in the utmost.
The Majestic Glory opened up the Red Sea it’s speculated at least a mile wide (that’s over 50 city housing lots 100 foot wide side-by-side), and the water was piled up to the height of a 100 story building, a 1,000 feet. The tallest building we have currently in Orlando is “only” 440 feet, and at 40 stories, less than 50% of the water height.
He is the only Being who exists which can be said to be awe-some. Awestruck is an appropriate word to describe our response to Him in all His majestic beauty.
God stuns the sinners with His presence, declarations, and sheer power. Jesus stuns people of all walks and backgrounds, not just the arrogant religious leaders. Read your Bible, the Gospels. Turn off the TV, and retreat from the electronics and Facebook.
The Bible is replete with example after example of His dramatic ways, and the dramatic responses of those who were under the amazing grace of His Spirit. There’s just no avoiding it.
Unless, of course, you attend the average church where we’ve reduced Him to the image of a baby in a feeding trough. Or a single solitary passage about a “still small voice.” Ok, but what about the other 100’s of examples of absolutely stunning drama we ignore at our own peril?
Here’s just 10 examples:
- Rich young ruler – When Jesus dramatically demands this Holy Spirit convicted successful businessman to sell everything in order to be saved, he slinks away in sorrow. But the disciples were dramatically “even more astonished” at Jesus’ teaching that it’s hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom. Why? They assumed the wealth was a sign of God’s favor. Not so. And, again, Jesus demanded (not suggested) that a dramatic response was required for salvation. Was Jesus a legalist? Hardly.
- Zacchaeus – This seeker of salvation was a fabulously rich franchisee of a large tax collection business. He very well might have been Matthew’s boss. So, he stops the party, stands up and gives his entire fortune away – on the spot. Drama. Would you do that in your church meeting with all your investments? And Jesus, what does He say? “Oh, no, Zacchaeus, that’s way too radical! Just tithe.” No. The Giver of Life declares that salvation has come to this house today. Wait a minute, you think. My church says we just believe. But not God. How unlike the modern self-confessing church He is.
- Women at the well – Well, this story is always used to try and explain that Jesus was “nice.” Well, let’s see. First, He speaks to the woman, a scandalous move for a rabbi. Drama. Then He baits the hook of her curiosity (“if you knew..”). Lastly, He prophetically reveals her sexual sin history, just like we can do to those who enter our assemblies to call them to account (1 Cor. 14). Drama. They will be stunned. Now…she is stunned, so much so she forgets her water pot, rushes back, and brings back the entire village to meet her now Lord Master God and Savior. Dramatic, and the kingdom grows that day by leaps and bounds.
- Prodigal son(s) – Jesus turns the tables on the sinners and the religious leaders in one powerful story. The prodigal returns home, starving, half naked, having rehearsed his speech of repentance. Drama. But the loving gracious father is looking for his return daily. He runs toward the prodigal to help him avoid the dangerous return through the village, lifting his clothes, exhibiting total humility. Scandalous, as the village sees the father running to him, falling on his neck with repeated kisses. Absolutely scandalous. Drama. I can’t wait to see this scene in heaven and the look on the son’s face when the father arrived to embrace him…and his tears of repentance.
- Thieve on the cross – This is one of my absolute favorites. Here, on the torturous cross, at first the thieve rails against the Lord of Glory with his colleague. But over the next few hours, he sees Jesus for He is – God Incarnate. He dramatically requests to join Jesus – in paradise. Then, our new brother, the ex-thieve begins to evangelize and admonish (how “rude”) the lost criminal on the other side of Jesus to join them in the kingdom. I can imagine perhaps Jesus smiling at the Father’s goodness! Total drama – as the hardened centurion watches and later admits to Jesus’ divinity.
- Stephen – In Acts 7, our dear courageous brother is recounting the story of God’s work with their nation. It’s a set-up for the end bombshell. Stephen is so “not nice.” Today, he’d be coached by the church leaders to build a deep relationship first before saying anything, and be nice and ease in by not offending anyone. So, what does Stephen say that caused his immediate brutal death? Dramatic admonishment, pure and simple. “Stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears…always resisting the Holy your fathers did..betrayers and who have received the law…yet did not keep it.” Oops. Wrong things to say, Stephen. You could have lived to a ripe old age in a big retirement cabin up in the mountains of western North Carolina. But no, you go inflammatory on us, and get yourself stoned to death. Dramatic to the nth degree, no?
- Paul in 1 Cor. 4 – No list of drama would be incomplete without at least one story about brother Paul, the major author of the New Testament. Thank you, for your sacrifice, dear friend. So, he’s getting continuous hassle and resistance from his Corinthian church plant, and he’s taking them on at every turn. Encouragement is given where he can, but sarcasm (cutting the flesh by words) is his main tactic to discredit his detractors, the false apostles and teachers. He also uses this rhetorical skill on these saints often. Drama. Let’s see. “You are already filled..become rich..become kings without us…we are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are prudent in Christ, we are weak, but you are strong, you are distinguished, but we are without honor.” Pure, unadulterated sarcasm – cutting their flesh to get a dramatic response.
- Paul in Acts 28 – He was “solemnly testifying about the kingdom of God..trying to persuade them,” not “sharing” or primarily explaining about relationships or the church. Some believed, some did not. His response to those who refused the free gift? “The Holy Spirit rightly prophesied…you..will not understand…will not perceive…the heart…has become dull…closed their eyes..otherwise…I would heal them.” Stunning words to cap off his work “from morning until evening,” and very dramatic in nature. In your face admonishment. Does this sound like your church or small group of nice people? Didn’t think so. Why did Paul use this method from the Holy Spirit?
- Angel of the waters in Revelation 16 – This apocalypse reveals this creature proclaiming God’s attributes, judgment, and opinion of His wrath, saying “righteous are You..O Holy One, for You judged these things, for they (the evil unrepentant pagans) poured out the blood of the saints and prophets, and You have given them blood to drink. They deserve it.” Wow. In verse 1 it says there was “a loud voice from the temple” so can we assume this too was shouted with loud zeal for the apostle John and all others to hear? Yes, I think so. Dramatic testimony of God and His holy wrathful ways.
- Christ on His holy cross – Finally, in these few short examples above, is there any more dramatic example of, and the responses to, His passion, His suffering for all mankind? The tombs of dead men open up and they walk around the city proclaiming His story. The huge temple veil that took the huge effort of dozens of men to erect being ripped from top to bottom like a piece of paper. His mother Mary and the other faithful women standing there watching Him slowly die. Seeing Him strip stark naked with a swelling penis which was symptomatic of a crucified man in his last hours, defecating all over Himself as His bodily functions began to shut down. Saints, it doesn’t get any more dramatic than that. Many observers that had ears to hear and eyes to see where forever changed. What love toward His creatures…
Our Bible is a record with the most important truths and events needed by God for our loving growth. They had limited space to write. It’s limited in size and scope. So, we must learn to rightly divide the Word to see the themes that bring pleasure to the Holy One.
Dramatic stories, themes, and doctrines are the norm. It’s His way.
God loves our dramatic growth best. Of course, He’ll take the baby steps.
Be bold. Act like God Himself. Greater works than Jesus we will do. His favor is there for the dramatic, to stun ourselves and others, and to sin no more. It so pleases Him, our Lord and Savior.
Sin no more…He means it, He really does.
Pray, move out, and watch Him pile up your waters 1,000 high! He loves you and your dramatic response to His gracious love.
And leave the baby steps to, well, babies. Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. 2 Timothy 2:4
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,
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