Marc and Sharron White prayerfully considered a western US mission trip in the fall of 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis. We carefully considered the itinerary and decided to travel to as many of God’s wonders as possible and be back in our Florida home before the November 3rd election.
So, day 1 began on Thursday, October 8th as we planned to be gone 25 days and traverse 12 states (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Nevada).
Before it was all done, we drove over 7,200 miles spending over 140 hours in Boaz, our Ford Expedition! This is that story of God’s wonders in pictures and videos right below this introduction.
Click on any individual link to be taken to that day: Day 1, Thursday, October 8: Lake Wales, FL to Tupelo, MS; Day 2, Friday, October 9: Tupelo, MS to Yukon, OK; Day 3, Saturday, October 10: Yukon, OK to Albuquerque, NM; Day 4, Sunday, October 11: Albuquerque, NM to the Grand Canyon; Day 5, Monday, October 12: Grand Canyon, AZ – South Rim
Day 1, Thursday, October 8: Lake Wales, FL to Tupelo, MS
Good morning, Lake Wakes, FL! Off to the Grand Canyon and CA national parks. My early morning packing with “Boaz” the Ford Expedition!
Here we go! The western mission trip…Grand Canyon and CA, as the Lord’s sun rises in the East.
Ocala FL potty break at Love’s
Western US mission trip – End of day 1: Well, saints, Sharron and I made it to the sprawling metropolis of Tupelo MS! 750 miles day 1 drive. Snuggled in a good chilled room ready for a good nights sleep at the Fairfield Inn. Thanks for the prayers for travel angels and God’s divine appointments. Cheryl the check out clerk at the Lake Wakes Publix early the AM was shocked and encouraged by my warning and exhortation of C-19 vaccine…she was a real Christian it appears.
Day 2, Friday, October 9: Tupelo, MS to Yukon (Oklahoma City), OK
Good morning, Tupelo MS! Excellent nights sleep and both sweet lady Sharron Lanham White and I feeling refreshed after our 12 hour road day yesterday. On to Oklahoma City, OK toward the Grand Canyon and CA national parks. Rain here as the Gulf hurricane begins its march to land. As we pass through Memphis to I40, the rain should dissipate. Western US mission trip day 2 Friday 10-9, saints. Pray for more divine interventions and traveling mercies from our Lord and Master. Our white modern Conestoga wagon with 400 horses, “Boaz,” the Ford Expedition awaits us…
Mid way to Oklahoma City on I 40…
Made it safely, saints. Here at Fairfield Inn Oklahoma City-Yukon. Western US mission trip day 2 – 600 miles = 1350 miles total thus far. Over half way to Grand Canyon. On to Albuquerque NM tomorrow on day 3.
Day 3, Saturday, October 10: Yukon, OK to Albuquerque, NM
Thanks for prayer, saints for travel mercies and divine appointments here on day 3 of our western US mission trip to the Grand Canyon and CA. On to Albuquerque today! Sweet lady Sharron Lanham White waving goodbye and the defunct oil well in the field next to our hotel.
Traveling parallel to the famous Route 66…sometimes at night in the cities we travel right on this road! Little did I imagine as an unsaved teenager lead guitar rock guitar player playing and singing this song that I’d be a born again saint traveling its miles.
We made it safely, saints. Thanks for the prayer. Well, as I’ve stated emphatically before, the mask-vaccine conversation/debate is over. The NWO propaganda is a rousing success. Tonight I was attempting to check in at the Fairfield Inn here in Albuquerque, the male middle age front desk clerk demanded I wear a mask. I showed him my medical exemption badge, and he read it saying it didn’t matter Even after I told him it was for a heart condition. New Mexico is extreme New Age and politically liberal I hear. Suddenly, a masked mother standing behind me (at least 8 feet away) with her masked husband and 2 kids began screaming at me that I was uncaring and endangering everyone! The clerk cut her off and said he would handle it. I went out to the car and wore my new skimpy plastic mask that does nothing…just like thief masks. I guess it doesn’t matter that another fellow human being could have a heart attack and die at their feet traumatizing their kids for life. What foolish and narcissistic selfishness on their part. The room is comfortable-Sunday we head for the Grand Canyon.
Day 4, Sunday, October 11: Albuquerque, NM to the Grand Canyon
Good morning, c-19 crazed Albuquerque, and pleased to bid you goodbye. Western mission trip day 4 on to the Grand Canyon! The morning sunrise in the cloudless desert and Sandia mountains to the East. And Boaz awaits our entrance.
Close…only 50 more miles…
We arrived safely to our Grand Canyon hotel! Thanks for the prayers, saints.
Day 5, Monday, October 12: Grand Canyon, AZ – South Rim
Day 5 Monday of our western US mission trip – first view of the Grand Canyon this morning at Mather Point! Both sweet lady Sharron Lanham White and I were brought to tears and the silence of awe at the power and handiwork of the Lord God Almighty.
Sweet lady Sharron Lanham White and I at Mather Point on Day 5 at the Grand Canyon
Day 5 Mather Point – indescribable views
Day 5 Grand Canyon video from Mather Point showing just how far down is the Colorado River and it’s rapids
Panorama picture of the Grand Canyon from Mather Point, day 5
Breathtaking…from the Grand Canyon South Rim…day 5
Foolish souls climbing beyond the Grand Canyon Park barriers to the very edge…
God’s fingerprints on His creation…day 5 on the Western US mission trip – at the Grand Canyon.
Brief panorama video of the Grand Canyon at Mather Point panning east to west, day 5
Day 5 on the mission trip and in the Grand Canyon: 32 degrees at 6.30 AM…and 62 degrees by 9.30 AM! Unusual weather in the high dessert at 7,000 feet
Sunset at the Grand Canyon – day 5. With sweet lady Sharron Lanham White
The sun begins to set over the Grand Canyon, day 5 of the mission trip out West!
Close to sunset day 5 at the Grand Canyon.
Canyon trail leading to the canyon bottom – day 5
Sunset view from the south rim in front of the El Tovar hotel
Sun setting over the horizon – day 5
God’s divine appointment #2: waiting on a sofa for our 6.30 dinner reservation in the lobby of the El Tovar hotel on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon Village, God brought us Kevin and Linda from Illinois, retired attorneys. They were sitting right next to us on this adjoining sofa when Kevin suddenly opened up a conversation with us. He mentioned his wife Linda had done a “bible story” in their room. It wasn’t long until I asked her about her study…and our Lord and the Spirit moved deftly in leading me to begin preaching the real vs. American gospel with apologetics. Kevin asked several probing questions, especially about money and helping the poor, and was obviously under conviction. All this lasted the better part of an hour. They went to dinner and I found out the restaurant “lost” our reservation during our evangelism as we weren’t even seated until 7.15 by an apologetic Maitre D! God is indescribably amazing…
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