The rushing wind finally died down to just a small rustle.
It had swept the whole surrounding area for almost an hour as they all flew in one by one around midnight from both the heavenlies and the four corners of the United States…and the world.
In the remote area of this mid mountain region in northeast Georgia close to Taccoa Falls, the tall oaks and other trees lost a record number branches for late December. The mighty high country oaks were no match for each of the four beings as their powerful wings created wind blasts similar to a jet engine.
First to arrive was Cesdorf.
As the conference leader, it was just as it was planned.
He had clearly seen the desolate landing area from above the earth as a person might see a satellite view in the Google Earth program. The supernatural thrust of his 25 foot wing span propelled him to speeds greater than any man-made aircraft.
As he arched his back to slow his rapid ascent into the low sky just above the trees, hundreds of branches shook and fell at will. He zipped in a corkscrew fashion around a smaller crag in the mountain top and landed firmly on his two feet from a 45 degree angle.
Cesdorf was enormous in size, standing almost 16 feet from head to toe. But he had no toes.
He looked like a gargoyle, almost reptilian, and his feet were clubbed. He had bulging, sulfur colored eyes, and was black-green in color. He had no need to breathe, but when he spoke one could see what looked like breath, a kind of smoke combined with mist, coming from his mouth.
A power of darkness was a good word to describe him.
He squatted down to the earth, looked up, and waited for the other three to arrive. Wonderful, he thought. It’s time to celebrate another victory!
It wasn’t long. The sky seemed split from the west as a colleague from the western headquarter principality of Hollywood entered the mountain space.
He spotted Cesdorf from 10 miles away with his extraordinary vision.
In less than 5 seconds, Mishoow was within a football field of Cesdorf, and the blast from his landing ruffled Cesdorf’s slimy moist skin.
Mishoow was shaped reminiscent to a deformed eagle but with a half face that resembled something like a deformed bull dog. He has very thin and black translucent in color, for one could see right through his form.
“Hail, oh lord Cesdorf!”
“Welcome, comrade,” boomed the smiling Cesdorf in return. “Right on time, as usual…good…good. I see that…”
A piercing scream from above them startled their greeting as a third demon looped round and round in a series of tight circles from the north. The arrogant display of sheer power caused hundreds of mature trees to sway to the south, with more broken branches than ever falling around the other two demons.
He landed within 20 feet of them.
“Respold,” shouted Cesdorf. “I told you before: STOP this foolishness.” With that, he took one huge step, reached out and backhanded Respold in the chest. The startled demon tumbled backward into a boulder the size of a two car garage.
Respold could only manage an embarrassed smile since he was no match for the power and place of lord Cesdorf. Someday, some day, thought Respold, I’ll teach him a thing or two.
Mishoow acknowledged his other conference comrade and they turned to hear the next order from their lord.
But Cesdorf was looking into the heavenlies..waiting..waiting…
“Yes,” he smiled and blew his chest up in triumph. “Just as I asked him.”
With that the other two demons looked skyward and saw their last comrade beginning to arrive.
But it was so different.
There was absolutely no noise.
No wind.
No fallen branches.
They could see him descend rapidly like a missile, but he used a little know supernatural skill, as he entered instantly from the 10th dimension.
Total silence.
He then dropped below the mountain top where the other three stood to the valley below, and veered up and over the top to emerge into their midst in an instant. It was as if he appeared out of thin air.
It was their first face-to-face encounter with the new demon from India. They knew his last assignment was in Bollywood, the Hollywood of the east. Cesdorf wanted him to join the team for the final push, and had received permission from the grand master, Satan himself. But the new comrade must learn fast.
He knew that.
Torzaz was only too happy to comply. Nothing was too much for lord Cesdorf, the direct report from the heavenlies to King Satan.
“Lord, I bow to you in honor,” proclaimed Torzaz, as he dropped to one knee.
He was half the size of Cesdorf, “only” 8 feet tall…but he was also 8 feet wide and bright red in color. He resembled something like a mix between a huge leopard and a rhinoceros with a darting tongue about six feet long. And he hissed as he spoke.
Both Mishoow and Respold marveled at his reverence.
It was a physical reunion that they were anticipating for months. They had spoken to each other through the power of the air waves using them like supernatural mobile phones.
After all, master Satan was the price of the power of the air.
And they also communicated to each other through other human beings who were possessed by other demons. The results of their intense labor were becoming evident as the Great Plan was coming to pass.
Cesdorf was impatient as usual, and addressed Torzaz first. “’Welcome to America, the land of the Great Final A-musement Plan!”
“This is my first meeting here in over 200 years, since the American Revolution,” hissed Torzaz. “I enjoyed being a part of your group directing George Washington in the Masonic design of the nation’s capital layout. I especially was impressed how you got the humans to agree to the tall phallic symbol monument to the Egyptian god Ra, and how on every September 15th the Ra start ascends right over the symbol. The Washington Monument.”
He continued, “Brilliant planning. I marvel at how you got the same symbol in the center of London, and at the Vatican. Even at the great pyramid area in Giza, Egypt, and we taught and helped the Egyptians build it in honor to our master.”
“Your directions were perfect, Cesdorf. I hear from my comrades in India that this principality is much more difficult to influence for king Satan.”
“Nonsense!,” boomed Cesdorf. “That’s old putrid intelligence. In the last 25 years, we’ve grown to totally dominate the a-musement industry. The land America is putty in our hands. Especially the church of the Enemy. Putty to shape as we like.”
Respold and Mishoow were nodding their heads in full agreement and laughing at the stupidity of Torzaz. Their hideous bodies were moving up and down in a strange rhythm, some sort of twisted, evil dance.
Torzaz ignored his comrade demons and queried Cesdorf in anxiety. “But what about the influence of all the Christian movies made here? Also, how can we meet to celebrate our victory in this when the last CS Lewis Narnia movie released, Dawn Treader, was seen by many, many of the Enemy?”
“Besides,” he continued, “the latest Jack Sparrow Pirate’s of the Caribbean would surely be avoided too. How could many of them here in the west be so deceived to think it had absolutely any sense of our Enemy Jesus’ holiness?”
Mishoow now spoke boldly and in a taunt. “Do you not know anything, stupid Torzaz? You’ve been stuck in the land of Indian Hindus for too long! These movie releases went just as we planned. It’s perfect!”
Torzaz leaped toward Mishoow with his talons outstretched. Cesdorf in an instant opened his mouth, and the force created a power like a wall that kept the two demons separated.
“Enough!,” he cried. “Tell our new comrade the good news.”
Mishoow continued. “The Pirate movie was a resounding success. They all are! More Christians than ever paid real money destined for their missions and allowed their Holy Spirit to sit through this whole movie. Real evil dressed up as ‘fun,’ and promoted by Disney. Even the big Christian ministries in Orlando had record numbers in attendance. Fabulous!”
“Think of it, comrade. The whole idea of evil, killing, lying, stealing, fornicating pirates has been so domesticated and mainstream, that the other Christians pointing this out are then labeled our favorite Christian term!”
“You mean ‘legalist,’ don’t you Mishoow,” crowed Torzaz.
“Exactly. What a triumph for us! Total victory. And their children see it as main stream in their churches. Why, it’s the talk of the group each Sunday later on when they get done singing and raising their hands.”
Mishoow’s voice grew more sinister. “But on to our greatest triumph. The new Lewis movie as you know is The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It was perfect for us. Our eternal Enemy, the believers in Jesus, are taking their children in droves to this feature film from Hollywood.”
“That’s terrible,” lamented Torzaz. “Lewis was a persuasive writer convincing many about following the Enemy.”
“HA! No, you fool, you know nothing of our growing influence here in America. It’s wonderful. The movie opened just before last Christmas, a special time for us, you know, as we distract the believers away from the cross of Jesus and His resurrection power. So lots of believers in Jesus saw it over their holy-days.”
He gained strength as he continued. “Even better, the movie rights are owned by a unbelieving Jewish billionaire, one of the Enemy’s chosen people but lost to our Enemy’s message of salvation.”
“Isn’t that just perfectly evil? On top of that, the Director listened perfectly to Cesdorf’s mind games and spoke exactly as we wanted.”
“So, what did he say that was so good for us,” replied Torzaz arrogantly.
“He magically said to the media that the movie wouldn’t ‘sermonize’ but ‘generalize’ so that people from many religions could appreciate CS Lewis’ message,” scolded Mishoow.
He then pointed his arm to the sky and automatically a moving image like a movie appeared over their heads. The movie had perfect audio, and better than high definition video. After all, their supreme king was the prince of the power of the air!
It showed the unknowingly movie director mouthing the exact words of Cesdorf as the demon hovered next to his head.
The demons all yelled and sneered at the top of their voices. They especially cheered at the words “sermonize” and “generalize.”
“Victory! I bow again to you, lord Cesdorf, for your supernatural power to influence the foolish humans to do your will! Especially our Christian Enemy.” Torzaz once again bowed his knee in reference.
“Torzaz, you have much to learn of our ways and victories here,” gleamed Cesdorf. “But it’s becoming easier and easier as the Enemy’s believers indoctrinate their children into our ways more and more. The future looks very very bright for us as king Satan gives us a wider range for evil!”
He continued. “You’ll no doubt ask me how this is true. Yes, our enemy God still takes a few humans away from our kingdom with a movie like this. But they would be lost to us anyhow.”
And best of all, we get all excited when we hear their believers say ‘God can use this.’’
“Then they feed their children gross mediocrity, which always leads to direct evil. Yes, some lives are changing a little. Yes, some Christian parents in America weakly rationalize a moral point or two to their kids. We always rather have good morals over the real gospel of their Kingdom any day! It’s a small price of us to pay to demonize the Christian multitudes.”
“Overall,” Cesdorf sneered, “the effects of this movie series are so huge for our kingdom. We can’t help but ‘love’ it when a movie of this influence won’t ‘sermonize’ and just ‘generalize’ about the gospel of the kingdom of God. Perfect deception. Perfect.”
Torzaz pondered, and spoke very low as his smile widened. “Why can’t they see it here? It’s so obvious. This country used to be our biggest problem in the earth. They even shook our principality in the Far East.”
“Gone. Long gone, and Satan is very pleased,” gloated Cesdorf again. “Look again.”
He pointed skyward and several moving images appeared instantly of parents and children talking about moral lessons but nothing of the meat of the gospel of Jesus.
Then, other movie images of the children themselves interacting with others played in the sky. What was obviously missing was actual talk and obedience about the real words and teachings of Satan’s eternal enemy.
“Excellent! Excellent! Victory! Victory, Cesdorf!” Respold’s piercing scream cut the night air as he lifted off the ground in a furious rush of celebration and headed over the mountain and into the sky.
“But…but we lose the war in the end,” lamented Torzaz.
“STOP!” Cesdorf lifted both arms in protest.
“The battles are being won for our side. The victories are huge. Their children and parents drift away from Jesus and follow a false god! Our demon doctrines are winning the day. Their Book even declares it! They’re headed for the lake of fire! Celebrate with us, Torzaz! Celebrate.”
Cesdorf’s eyes were bulging and his enormous wings unfurled quickly as he shot through the sky to join Respold. Yes, thought Torzaz, it’s time to celebrate. It’s only right. He too lifted off. Mishoow was close behind screaming like Respold.
The night sky was stirred by the commotion. They circled each other round and round. They covered dozens of miles in seconds.
They shouted, “Long live this movie series! Long live this movie series! Bring on the next movie! Now! Now! More pirates, more compromised Narnia.”
Everything seemed just right. Or was it?
Oh no, he thought. Not now.
He felt a twinge of power loss.
Cesdorf fought to keep full power, but it was clearly waning.
And for a moment he thought he saw…no, impossible. It’s right to celebrate now.
But he did see it miles and miles away. He had seen it only a few times before here in America.
He saw what looked like a small group of pure white angelic beings winging over a distant north Georgia mountain. He instinctively flew with his diminished power and distracted the other three demons from the distant view by flying in the opposite direction.
In the center of a living room in a very modest home in the Atlanta countryside, they lay prostrate on the floor.
There were three of them. It was a mighty start.
These believers were gathered for intense prayer and had been lifting up their voices to their God for the last two hours or so.
They prayed for the whole gospel to be proclaimed in the Narnia movies, or that God would shut them down. They prayed that the so-obviously evil pirate movies would become exposed to the deceived Christian multitudes that couldn’t wait for the very next installment.
They also begged the Lord Master Jesus and His Holy Spirit to stop the negative influence on children both in America and worldwide as the movies made their way to worldwide distribution.
Their voices began to gain strength as the wonderful grace of the Father flooded their hearts.
Cesdorf began to fear. But just for an instant. No, he remembered, they’re alone, whoever they are, and it won’t last.
It never does in America.
His power level dropped once again.
He wondered how long it would continue, and if the prayer movement would grow.
No, he decided. The others are too busy with a-musement and rationalizing mediocrity to mount any serious challenge. And there’s always Facebook, the newest major distraction from any prayer.
They were safe…once again.
But…Cesdorf wondered if any others would love their Jesus enough to make a difference in the Great Plan of king Satan.
Time would tell.
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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THE DEVIL’S SCHEMES: Wisely knowing our arch adversary, and living accordingly; by Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy, Central Florida, USA
“(Obey God’s commands including forgiveness)…so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.” 2 Cor. 2:11; “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8; The Devil’s Schemes, Copyright, a Walk Worthy ministry; permission granted to repost in full.
The Vision of Walk Worthy (Walk Worthy Vision: 6 minutes) is to be preaching and discipling the whole Gospel and purpose of God worldwide so that His body will walk in all purity and holiness with Jesus, and bringing the Father pleasure in all respects.
“…walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,” Eph. 4.1, Col. 1.10, 1 Thes. 2.12
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