When I, Marc, wanted to really know the history and the heart of God on divorce and remarriage, I turned to this outstanding book by David Instone-Brewer. This is most exhaustive and complete resource on the topic on the planet to date.
This exposes how Christians and other cultures have dealt with the Word of God that describes the marriage vows in the Old Covenant. These are still in effect today, and our Lord is a true God of merciful compassion. After all, God is a divorced Person as described in Jeremiah 3.
As with many doctrines in the modern day church, we find an almost solidarity that a spouse should never leave or divorce their spouse. And certainly never remarry.
To add insult to injury, the church most often shields the perpetrator…and punishes the victim further. Never getting to the bottom of the problem by stonewalling that victim, these churches keep the waters smooth and the money flowing. Never rock the boat. And another family tragedy is recorded in God’s kingdom.
What if a so-called “Christian” spouse picks up a gun and shoots at the other…but narrowly misses? And then again the next day with better aim? Do you tell them the first time to at least separate for their life?
Of course…
So then, at what point along the continuum of God’s holy ways are the marriage vows broken? The breaking of the vows are the sin…not the separation or possible divorce with an unrepentant soul.
Our dear brother David Instone-Brewer has a happy marriage, but our Lord has gifted him to be arguably the finest world wide expert at divorce and remarriage in the church. With a compassion unequaled, a heart as big as Texas, and a mind to match, his book here should be required reading for every Christian. Period.
Many of your questions, as mine were, will be answered as David reveals the ancient ways of God, His marriage covenant-contract in His Word, and begins to tie them to the reality of today’s complex world.
Buy this resource here.
You may also read his unparalleled divorce and marriage blog, with the fascinating and eye opening letters from the populace like you and me. How can Christian people treat each other like this? You may find yourself on the pages as many do. Read it here.
See brother David’s excellent short video clip series on this topic here.
From the book description:
To many, the New Testament’s teaching on divorce and remarriage seems to be both impractical and unfair. The “plain” meaning of the texts allows for divorce only in cases of adultery or desertion, and it does not permit remarriage until the death of one’s former spouse. But are these proscriptions the final word for Christians today? Are we correctly reading the scriptures that address these issues?
By looking closely at the biblical texts on divorce and remarriage in light of the first-century Jewish and Greco-Roman world, this book shows that the original audience of the New Testament heard these teachings differently. Through a careful exploration of the background literature of the Old Testament, the ancient Near East, and especially ancient Judaism, David Instone-Brewer constructs a biblical view of divorce and remarriage that is wider in scope than present-day readings.
Among the important findings of the book are that both Jesus and Paul condemned divorce without valid grounds and discouraged divorce even for valid grounds; that both Jesus and Paul affirmed the Old Testament grounds for divorce; that the Old Testament allowed divorce for adultery and for neglect or abuse; and that both Jesus and Paul condemned remarriage after an invalid divorce but not after a valid divorce. Instone-Brewer shows that these principles are not only different from the traditional church interpretation of the New Testament but also directly relevant to modern relationships.
Enhanced with pastoral advice on how to apply the biblical teaching in today’s context, this volume will be a valuable resource for anyone seeking serious answers about married life.
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries, www.WalkWorthy.org
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