Sent 10-26-09 via web email to; screen shot of Marc’s computer minutes before sending the post to Tim Tebow
Dear brother Tim Tebow,
As your brother in Christ, I admonish you to obey Jesus. How?
Love your enemies, not crush them or taunt them. Don’t cause others to stumble by portraying Jesus like a “successful, rich, republican, war monger.”
Instead of shedding blood on the football field, resign and follow the way of the peacemaker. Then Jesus promises you will finally be called a son of God.
You can do it. Just resign, and walk away. Try putting John 3:36 under your eyes, instead of 3:16 that everybody misunderstands the seriousness of real belief.
Here’s an excellent article what real Christians have done thru the years re: sports.
You can call me at (407-000-000; real number sent) and I’ll meet with you to proclaim the real Jesus, not the American Jesus who bears little resemblance to the King of Kings…
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Marc White
Walk Worthy Ministries
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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