What if I told you that God enjoys the pleasure our holy heterosexual martial sex and the pleasure it brings Him that He speaks to the couple in the Song of Solomon about it?
Really, you say? Where is that?
Of course, in our prudish and stifled way in much of the world throughout history, Christ’s church has successfully sought to significantly downplay sex in the Bible…and life in general. In this passage, the translators wrongly assign the last sentence of the verse to the bridegroom in chapter 5.1. But…this is God Himself speaking. So…without further adieu, here’s the last part of that verse.
Song of Songs 5:1b “…Drink and imbibe deeply, O lovers.”
How can the bridegroom lover, Solomon, being saying that to some other folks there? He can’t.
The Peasant Princess: Song of Solomon Audio Teaching Series – by Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church, Seattle, USA
The 11 part video series begins right after this important introduction.
Wait! If you’re single, engaged, or sexually forlorn (being sexually starved to death), you may want to skip this…or watch it with someone discipling you.
This can’t be said too strongly: if you’ve been sexually and emotionally abused or molested as a child and/or adult, seek mature help right away. You’ve most likely causing your spouse huge issues due to your inability to function correctly to satisfy their needs.
Is Brother Mark Driscoll A Heretic?
There’s much controversy about Mark Driscoll and his heavy handed tactics with people. I’m just speaking to this series alone. If Mark needs to step down for help in the leadership, so be it. I don’t know those details. But I have heard his heart and listened carefully to this series – all 11 hours – and I suggest you do the same before you blast him on this and write me!
Regarding his dismissal from the Acts 29 network that he founded, read the rest of the story here and here.
In his book, Real Marriage, Mark courageously tackles many controversial subjects, some of which we disagree. Anal sex (p. 187-188) in any way is a perversion. Sex toys (p. 191) we believe are wrong for many reasons. Cosmetic surgery for the sake of bigger breasts, etc. (p. 198-199) is a waste of kingdom resources and shouts we are dissatisfied with the way God made us. Cyber sex (p.200) is just plain unnatural. But these are the exceptions, rather than the rule.
Is he a heretic? No. At least not in the content we post from him…
Oral Sex in The Bible? You Don’t Say!
Many leaders have rebuked Mark on his stand regarding oral sex and the wife’s role to service her husband in this way even if she “doesn’t like it.” Listen to his heart carefully in that area here. Others have claimed he said anal sex is permissible. He has not said anything that I heard about in this series regarding that act, but if he did I would disagree with him for that particular act is a perversion. I also don’t care for his stand on a-muse-ment, crude humor, and tattoos in the least. But he is my brother in Christ…and I pass along this series since he’s the only one I know so far that has the courage (guts) to stand up and teach these truths.
Some people may say, “Gross!” But even the wife’s vagina is cleaner than the average human mouth. You can read about that truth here. And our page that has many excellent Christian articles and resources about sex is here.
So, we don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Sex has been the exclusive domain of Satan for too long – not any more! God will claim His rightful kingship in this kingdom joy! Mark has helped us here in a tremendous way. FYI, I have an excellent video on God’s ways on our site here that was preached by none other than Rob Bell. So, when something truly edifies the body, we eat the meat and spit our the bones. If someone becomes a repeated stonewaller, then we rebuke in love…and if no response, we then in sadness shake the dust off our feet. But the good teaching stands in order to move His body to real holiness.
The Role of Wives, Since They’re Addressed First
Since the Holy Scriptures address wives first, so shall we. The all time, forever more #1 action a wife can perform for her husband so she will obey the required commands of Jesus Christ is this: the proactive, frequent, playful, thankful, creative sexual celebration of their marriage. Period.
God is there viewing and enjoying your enjoyment in your husband-wife marital union. Don’t believe it? Here’s what God says to Solomon and Tirzah, the couple in Song of Solomon 5.1: Eat, friends; drink and imbibe deeply, O lovers.
The #2 action for the wife is daily verbal and physical touch encouragement and affirmation. The #3 action is for the wife to be skilled at domestic duties, including being a good cook, for men do love to eat! Performing just #3 alone doesn’t cut it, ladies. Not in the least. If you’re really a wonder-full minister to your husbands deep needs in #1, he’d probably do all the cooking! Think him being married to a wife who thinks (not looks) like Raquel Welch, and you’ll get the idea about the food thing.
As Debi Pearl of No Greater Joy is fond of saying, your man will never, ever stray is he’s kept ‘drained.’ He’ll be more loving, much less feisty, more calm, and much, much, much more cooperative. Doesn’t that sound juicy? It is – if you do your part dear wife. To a large extent, it’s a matter of physiology…a physical thing for a man. If you must question the wisdom of it all, take it up with God, his Creator!
Of course, wives can disobey the Word, and become or stay distracted. Or use sex as a weapon. That’s even a huge problem in the body of Christ. We firmly believe one of the main reasons for the rise of pornography in Christian marriages in this lack on initiative on the part of the wives. As Billy Joel sang accurately, ‘she can lead you to love, she can take you or leave you.’
The husband is to love his wife as Christ loved His body and gave Himself up for her. A heady challenge. Husband, Jesus can lead you into being the man from heaven for your wife. If (and a big if) she “gets it” and respects you sexually, gives daily encouragement, and keeps house – cooks well, your job will be so much easier. Remember to be patient and tender in bed, minimizing harshness, and daily looking for ways to compliment her and lighten her load.
How Does Christ Really Treat His Rebellious Church, His Body?
And it’s critical to remember what Christ did with His rebellious church: reread Revelation 2-3, Acts 5, etc. Not a pretty sight. The sheep on the shoulders of the smiling Jesus that women put on the walls of their home is a lie. Another misinterpretation of God is His very church. The reason He is carrying the sheep is that our Lord broke the sheep’s leg to keep it from wandering off again, and causing other sheep to also become wayward. The Shepherd’s next step if the behavior continues is to slit the throat of the sheep to kill it and make an example of it. Good point to remember.
What will He do with a repeated rebel who mistreats His child in a marriage? You, as a believer may need deliverance from demonic influence that threatens your very walk with God, let alone your spouse. Connect with us her at Walk Worthy and we can advise who to speak with about this significantly common problem.
Our Hats Off to Mark For His Courage Here
Our accolades to brother Mark for taking on this most vital topic and doing, by and large, an excellent job. We modern saints living in a postmodern world in the West owe him a debt of gratitude. He’s been greatly misunderstood, misrepresented, and maligned for his stand here. He tackles not only the basics but many of the tough issues, including oral sex. And many of the martial issues that spill over to the bedroom.
And through it all he wonderfully upholds the sanctity and glorious nature of husband-wife marriages. For this and other things he does, we applaud and thank him for carrying this banner into the battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of men and women everywhere.
Some of you are already thinking we’re wrong and you’re right. You’ve read the apparent exposes against this brother, including John MacArthur’s well publicized piece where he uses the word ‘rape.’ Well…for one, John is wrong here, dead wrong. In addition, John also fully embraces being a supernatural gift cessationist in clear violation of 1 Corinthians 13. And, to boot, he teaches that the Spirit’s second work of grace by speaking in tongues is of the devil…strange fire, he calls it. We call his tongues idea “strange doctrine.” Therefore, we all need to be extremely watchful of how we use the appeal to a leader’s authority and popularity to argue any position.
The predominant current teaching is the Song of Solomon is an allegory of Christ and His church, His bride . There’s so much sex and holy eroticism in the book that any cursory glance will reveal that is not so. We as the body of Jesus Christ do not have physical sex with Him. This is simply, but powerfully, the story of romantic love in the confines of holy matrimony between a husband and wife. You can read more about that here.
Be open to the Holy Spirit. Don’t quench nor grieve Him. We have much, much to learn about God’s intended sexuality.
Keep in mind brother Mark is an institutional church type of guy. His kingdom grid is the senior pastor – head buffalo leadership style. He wrongly sees saints as sinners. He misses the fact that wives are much more influential in the marriage than a husband. We here at Walk Worthy teach the wife is 400% more influential. Mark fails to identity and hammer home the huge problem of hyper-feminization in the western church, and the resulting idea that the man is almost always greatly responsible for the marriage problems. Not so. I believe this is due to the fact that his wive is rightly submissive and doesn’t disrespect him, certainly not sexually.
A man is putty in the hands of a woman he can fully trust, says Christian marriage expert Debi Pearl in her insightful book Created To Be His Help Meet.
Even with these significant oversights, Mark has done the body a great grace in tackling this thorny subject. It’s always been a battle against the battle of the sexes…a battle for equality of each gender with distinct and separate roles in the kingdom.
I can certainly do without the rock beat song intro for the first minute in these videos: another sign of The Juvenilization of American Christianity, and the triumph of nonsense widely seen in the immature youth culture and effectively sold to the adults.
Let’s dive in, shall we? Again, if you’re single, or sexually forlorn, please pass on this for now…or listen with another same gender believer who is close to you.
Let Him Kiss Me – Teaching 1
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment:
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
He says for the husband to ask the wife on the way home from the sermon, but fails to mention to refrain if the kids are present! Also, wives in a western culture are mostly rebellious when they disagree with their husbands over non-crisis issues. This is our experiencing in 90+% of the cases. If the wife wrongly thinks the problem is mostly the husband, then little of this is really going to work because she’s going to dig in and expect the husband to ‘get fixed’ and submit to her.
Regarding being harsh by a husband, it can be a significant issue. The main question is why is he acting this way. If the harshness is due to the wife’s continued rebellion to his non-crisis requests and he has no recourse in the church, that harshness is most likely due to her refusal to submit in all ways as unto the Lord. She can actually be causing him to stumble. That, dear wife, is a serious offense with negative eternal consequences handed out by Jesus Christ, your Lord.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: In the first sermon of the series, Pastor Mark Driscoll gives an introduction detailing the sexual sin that saturates our culture. Sex can be viewed as either a god, as gross, or a gift. The Bible teaches us that sex is a gift that is to be stewarded wisely.
Sweet To My Taste – Teaching 2
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment:
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
Mark’s calling us sinners instead of the saints that we are! He doesn’t address very serious and practical issues about stonewallers or omitters or even omitting stonewallers (the very worst) who help kill the marriage one day at a time. A wife who disrespects her husband by omitting and stonewalling sex until ‘he loves me’ is in direct rebellion to Ephesians 5 and 1 Peter 2-3. Or at best the husband may be able to extract “quota sex” from his wife, since forced love is not love: it’s rape. In these significant Bible passages, we find the wives role and submission is mentioned first. This is the Hebrew writing style showing the priority of the command.
Certainly, the husband needs to provide and protect (nourish and cherish) his wife. But until the wife does her part, little progress will be made unless the man sucks it up and his manhood is emasculated like castration. Mark seems to assume that everybody will do everything that needs to be done to improve the marriage. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The clear approval of oral sex is effectively taught in this series from the biblical basis along with other supporting Christian experts…the term used to describe this holy act of gracious love is an ‘oral genital caress.’ The use of the word “fruit”in Hebrew and other ancient sources, along with these contexts, leave very little to the imagination! Praise the Lord, yes indeed…can someone open a window in here?!
Song of Songs 2:3 Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, So is my beloved among the young men. In his shade I took great delight and sat down, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
Song of Songs 4:16 Awake, O north wind, And come, wind of the south; Make my garden breathe out fragrance, Let its spices be wafted abroad. May my beloved come into his garden And eat its choice fruits!
There’s a great ending prayer.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: Marriages crumble often because the husband and wife don’t communicate or take care of each other. In the Song of Songs, God gives us principles for married couples that will help keep them faithful to each other and satisfied with one another.
The Little Foxes – Teaching 3
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment:
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
He says early on men should not tell wives what to, yet it seems he says nothing of the fact that western wives do that routinely to their husbands, perhaps not as direct as some of the men. And he goes off on marital rape (a heinous thing even if men are being sexually starved) and starts quoting statistics about stupid husbands. Again, he’s not talking about the wife that is rebellious and a major influence in this all.
The Four Horsemen of divorce are detailed there, things like criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, etc.
This can’t be said too strongly: if you’ve been sexually and emotionally abused or molested as a child and/or adult, seek mature help right away. You’ve most likely causing your spouse huge issues due to your inability to function correctly to satisfy their needs.
It appears that often the men who teach on this have really good relations with their wives, and have a hard time discerning what’s really going on to cause all this dysfunction.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: Every marriage has fears, foxes, and friends. Fears can break trust and intimacy, foxes are the seemingly small sins that sneak into a marriage and create disunity, and friends need to be there to hold a marriage in accountability and help each spouse love one another and Jesus more.
His Garden – Teaching 4
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment:
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: A wedding day is a beautiful thing, but the most important day of your marriage is the last day. In this sermon, Pastor Mark looks at the wedding day of the Princess and King Solomon. The first day paints the picture of a wonderful marriage, but later, the marriage is ruined because Solomon does not stay faithful to his wife, his covenant, or his God. A marriage should be lived with a focus on the last day, and we should learn from the sins of King Solomon.
My Beloved, My Friend – Teaching 5
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment:
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
He talks about selfishness and complete evil. Not all the body is like that, even in the west. But it’s a huge issue and he says to the listener that they don’t give a rip about anybody except themselves. A strong rebuke!
This is the Mars Hill introduction: We are fundamentally selfish. The question is do you want to change and to what degree? Will you continue in selfishness, or be more like Jesus and have a servant’s heart?
My Dove – Teaching 6
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment: we have yet to review this segment.
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
Again, not all saints are ‘bad.’ This again stems from the Romans 7 ‘you’re just a rotten sinner’ mentality. Real believers have a pure heart according to our Lord Jesus. ‘If’ we sin, then we have an advocate.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: You don’t just feel bad… you are bad. Many of the problems in your life come from within yourself, and you need to confess, repent, then seek restitution and reconciliation. Learn more in this sermon on Song of Songs chapter 6.
Dance of Mahanaim – Teaching 7
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment:
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
Mark calls this segment being a “visually generous servant lover.” What a accurate and graphic depiction of what a spouse should become this very day. He also says it should take 20 years to rid the stain of abuse. No. Never. Jesus Christ is the Redeemer and your spouse has needs. Get delivered today, for Jesus can raise anyone from a “death.” And any kind of death. Yes, it was despicable. Don’t blame or live in your past and then make your spouse suffer.
Mark makes jokes about slamming people with sports and having no love for your enemy. Of course, this is nonsense and just plain false teaching.
A question is asked if videotaping the husband-wife sex acts is OK, and Mark and his wife begin laughing. To us, this indicates they may very well participate in that activity. Then he says it’s not a sin and quotes 1 Corinthians. We can’t disagree more. The marital bed is undefiled, and no one should even come close to being able to view what is holy and sacred in the eyes of God.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: This is one of the most erotic sections of scripture. Married couples will get insight into the inner workings of the male brain, and learn to be generous to one another in several different ways.
Into The Fields – Teaching 8
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment: we have yet to review this segment.
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
Of course, we’re 100% against “dating” as most define it. That diabolical practice often prepares one for divorce. We do endorse exclusive courtship only to get married. Spend time with many others in a group of saved people who have your best holy interests at heart…and can call you to account when need be.
He also mentions about being a guild leader in the World of Warcraft video game. Some laughter ensues. This type of activity is clearly satanic, with absolutely no redeeming value for the kingdom of God. How would Mark even know about being a guild leader for such a satanic scheme of the devil?
This is the Mars Hill introduction: This is the most practical sermon ever preached at Mars Hill, and it’s all about how to date well. Learn about how the idea of sabbath works with dating.
Do Not Awaken Love – Teaching 9
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment: we have yet to review this segment.
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: Love is not something that can be taken, only given. In this sermon Pastor Mark Driscoll expounds on a marriage of two servant lovers who reflect on the love they’ve cultivated.
I Was A Wall – Teaching 10
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment: we have yet to review this segment.
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
Mark says right off the bat that visiting theologian Don Carson is “wicked and Yoda smart.” We certainty want to avoid all the unholy talk that insinuates evil and the New Age Star Wars characters. He also says that attending home school, private school, and public school depends on the situation. But if at all possible, the parent should home school. He mentions that being a parent exposes the idols of your heart. And that his nine year old is reading biographies like his dad, which is very good! Although his examples are all extreme Calvinists, with Calvin and Luther being murderers.
His comments about what is normal in Deuteronomy 4 and Deuteronomy 6 classes always being in session in excellent. And that instruction should always precede correction. But he does drop the ball again with the Disney talk and pink Barbie scotter, since this is very occultic and antichrist.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: In the final sermon of the Peasant Princess series, we see the princess as a young girl being raised by her mother and brothers in a single family household. This sermon relates to parenting—especially how fathers can love their daughters.
Questions and Answers – Teaching 11
Our Walk Worthy comments on this segment: we have yet to review this segment.
Please remember we endorse this series by Mark Driscoll. These comments are to add to the content or point out weaknesses and error in our opinion.
This is the Mars Hill introduction: Over the 10 week series, The Peasant Princess, Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife Grace took questions from the audience. This is a compilation of the best questions and answers during that time.
Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries, www.WalkWorthy.org