Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Pilate on his bema seat of judgment asked the LORD of Glory the infamous question. “What is truth?” He asked sarcastically and rhetorically we presume.
John 18:37-38 Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?”…
Like many today, the enemy of our soul has persuaded most souls that truth is what they decide it is. Never an absolute. But we know better, don’t we? Truth is discernible, and The Truth is Jesus Christ, King of kings!
Let us begin.
A) Truth defined
- Truth is anything that is real, and factual. Truth can exist in the past, and/or present, and/or future. Truth can be revealed, or hidden from those who would harm it. Truth was or is true all the time. (God is holy; Jesus lived and was resurrected; Satan is a liar.)
- Truth can exist (God created the heavens and earth.) or be commanded (Pay your taxes like Romans 13; Preach the Word in-season and out of season.).
- A dishonorable lie is the opposite of truth, is deliberate, is deceptive to its adherents, can be deliberately spread or exist unaware, be out in the open or hidden. (COVID-19 is prevented by masks; he thought God was dead; he doesn’t know that person lied to him.)
- An honorable lie protects in-group truth followers. Jesus lied to his lost out-group brothers about going up to Jerusalem for the feast of booths (John 7.3-10) in order to protect His secret Messiah truth from being revealed before its “time.” An honorable lie is also used to disobey any edict that would harm those obeying the truth of God (The Hebrew midwives hid the newborns from Pharaoh; the Apostles refused to be silent about Christ).
- An error, even though not a lie, is not true, or right, or proper. It can be deliberate or unintentional. It can be obvious or hidden. It’s revealed only when set against a truth.
B) Types of truth
- Tangible – some truth is physically tangible (I see the ocean.)
- Intangible – some truth is taken by faith/belief/trust as existing in the past, present, and/or future (George Washington did live; I know atoms exist; I’ll die someday and be with Jesus Christ.)
C) Discovering truth – by sensual perception through body, soul, & spirit
- Observation (I can see the sun exists.)
- Investigation (I need to check this out.)
- Proclamation (He told me Jesus is the truth.)
- Faith/belief through God’s Holy Spirit (Jesus is the Christ.)
D) Determining truth
- Sensual perception (I can both see and feel the sun’s warmth.)
- Deductive reasoning (After looking at others, no one teaches like Jesus.)
- Scriptural authority (The Bible tells me so.)
- Faith/belief through God’s Holy Spirit (Certainly Jesus is the Christ.)
C) Reactions to truth
- Stonewall – from prejudicial opinion, refusal to observe, test, or consider (Are you crazy?)
- Slink away – from prejudicial opinion, refusal to observe, test, or consider (I don’t want to talk about it.)
- Seek – a hunger and diligence for the truth (I want/need to know.)
D) True Truths
- Truth is greatly influenced by the emotions of indifference, fear, anger, curiosity, and zeal.
- Truth can be surprising, radical, hurtful, and stated positively or negatively.
- Truth is not pragmatic (whatever works), democratic (let’s vote on it), or popular (All Jesus disciples left Him expect the 12 in John 6).
- Truth is often revealed by holy application of God’s Truth (Jesus Christ) by the power of His Holy Spirit.
- All truth is from God, since He is Truth.
E) The Truth Ladder – Truth moves up and down rungs of a ladder (+10 to -10) depending on the influence of emotions, circumstances, group dynamics, and lies, etc.
+10 Evangelism of a truth
+7 Acceptance & Confirmation
+4 Personal Evaluation
+1 Consideration
0 Middle Rung: Neutrality
-1 Worry
-4 Argument
-7 Anger
-10 Indifference
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,