For a real Christian, a “little Christ,” any war is heinous and an affront to human beings made in the image of God. Those who follow Jesus Christ are to love their enemies, doing good to those who persecute us, not resisting evil, but instead turning the other cheek. So, any war or the taking up of arms against anyone is a grievous sin.
But why all the wars in the world? Well, all wars are banker’s wars. And the international central banks are all owned and run by the world’s elite bent on the New World Order (NWO) and its anti-christ. Many leaders, including American Presidents were assassinated for the bold move of printing their own currency vs. the private issued currency of the central bank and their bankers.
In America, the American Revolution and every other war was financed by the international NWO bankers who incidentally finance both sides. And the war fever is satanically fueled up in the church pulpits. God help us all to obey Jesus and enter into the final and complete kingdom.
We don’t know if the creator of this video is a serious Christian, but this is worthy of every minute spent to get educated about the real state of affairs, not what you see and hear on the NWO controlled central media.
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,