Some time ago I heard a saint preach that most people (especially men) didn’t quickly know or couldn’t tell what they were thankful for in their spouse and others in their lives.
Being unthankful is a huge sin to our Lord and some of us, like me, who have high expectations of ourselves and others can get pretty discouraged with the state of affairs these days.
I asked Jesus to give me the top 10 things and then others also I was thankful for in my wife. I wrote these down in a minute or two, thanking our Lord and Savior for His gift to men with wives like this.
Perhaps this and/or other relationships are tough now. We all go through that in our lives. Some of you men might even be married to a Christian feminist. I was too years ago. It was terrible. Those women and men like them are specialists in abuse. Perhaps you need to take inventory to see how you stand in your marriage if this is the case.
No matter how difficult a situation may be, there’s almost always something to be thankful for in them.
It’s one way we can bless our Lord! Praise in tough situations actually alerts the spirit world to our obedience and faith in our eventual deliverance in every disturbing situation.
Why not give thanks to Him beginning now for your spouse and others, asking Him to help you do your own list? Make certain you communicate it to them often, especially as God gives you additional things in their lives that are worthy of thankfulness. His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Here’s my list I made for my wife, and may help prime your pump:
- Loves God with all her heart, soul, mind and strength
- Fears the Lord
- Desires to hear from the Holy Spirit
- Strives to obey
- Has a big heart for her husband
- Wonderful mother and grandmother
- Loves to serve others first
- Big heart for the disenfranchised, i.e. poor, blind, lame, crippled, widow, orphan
- Good listener
- Prayer warrior
- Loves to sing and praise Jesus
- Takes good physical care of herself
- Desires to disciple women to excellence, not American mediocrity
- Ecstatic over the wonders of God’s creation
- Desires to live more simply so we may give more $ away to those in need worldwide
- Proclaims (not “shares”) the truth in love, admonishing to present every person complete in Christ (Col 1.28) – a rare trait among western Christians
- Sexually faithful
- Extraordinary cook
- Gentle and not physically abusive or violent
- Loves enemies
I am, among men, most blessed. And so are you, beloved, if this is your situation.
If none of these fit the person at hand, ask the Holy Spirit to give you one thing. One thing. And then another.
He will answer…be patient. If you’re abused, seek help, and contact us.
Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
You may view our Archives here: MONDAY MANNA – ARCHIVES; Complete Archives; feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion. May our Father richly bless you with His grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in order to walk worthy of His name.
Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,
Ian Williams says
When I asked God once why He put me and my wife together, He explained to me that I had prayed as a 12yr old in my heart to be granted the right woman for me, (after I had a nightmare I married a dragon) and that I had seen my wife then in a vision and would meet her 7yrs later. Ours has been an interesting relationship, so I broached the matter and He said, “I told you I would give you a suitable wife, and would you rather have your suitable or My suitable?”
At one point I had the choice between the woman who was literally the female of me, and the woman of God’s vision, who was my polar opposite. I kind of feel that in the long run I made the wiser choice – God gave me a woman I could not out-debate except that I had it straight from God, then she just smiles a sweet, wry smile and I know I just hit it out of the Park. Rachel’s Hebrew blood seems to have given her an innate sense of God.
She refines me to complete me, and that is the greatest compliment I could afford…she keeps me challenged and keen and sharp and she knows some of the very deep things of God, and I am slowly catching her up…to me the best relationship in the long run is to have a life partner who is suitable for you, whoever the two of you may be, for you are God’s A Team, the couple whose relationship is centered and founded upon Christ.
The power of agreement between a man and woman of God joined in Holy Covenant is so strong, which is why it is under such prolonged, single-minded, vicious, unrelenting assault, particularly via secularist media and the secular Government.
Use your God given authority to assail these ramparts of satan in prayer. Pray on behalf of all men everywhere, such that we may lead a peaceable life in all dignity. It is for us to proclaim our kingship in Christ, to proclaim the kingdom, to set at liberty the captives, to heal the bruised and afflicted.
Phew – where did that coke from? I am feeling ripped in my inner man, feeling the Power of the Resurrection Life. And I LOVE MY WIFE, like never before in my life…and we met 37yrs ago.
The efforts the enemy will go to to try and undermine your life are extraordinary, the more you purpose to walk in love and in the Spirit, the more he will come against you. In the coming days, husbands and wives in Christ will need to be so closely knit together, and to walk in a renewed grace and authority – the Lord will pour out to His flock, He will increase the company of the elect anointed – he will increase their Power, and the ability to pray as God prays (Teach us to Pray Lord!)
You will soon see great expression of power and also great darkness – gross darkness, such that men shall cry out to their gods and will hear nothing. This is when you will need to have a heart relationship, for your lamp to be filled, and to not have to go to those who sell oil. To be as the wise virgins.
I think that might just be prophecy there folks, it springs from me betimes – I will leave it for Marc to moderate.
admin says
Brother Ian,
Thx for commenting on this most interesting background…and prophecy!