Again in His eternal Word, the Lord declares to us, His people, even His anointed, that He is our Rock, our Refuge…yes, even our saving defense.
In Psalm 28, the Psalmist is crying out for help. Sound familiar? Oh my, yes, in these desperate days, we cry out more and more.
Press in, press on.
A few more days to labor and wait, as the old Gospel song reminds us.
“Our great Lord, we thank you for being called Your anointed. The work and place of Jesus makes us so. Today, and tomorrow, and forevermore, You are our saving defense. Guard us, keep us, yes, defend us. We praise your mighty holy Name.”
Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
FRIDAY FIRE: A few minutes to help kindle the SPIRITUAL FIRE in us all; by Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy, Central Florida, USA
Jesus said, “I have come to cast FIRE upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! Luke 12:49
“…walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,” Eph. 4.1, Col. 1.10, 1 Thes. 2.12
Friday Fire, Copyright, a Walk Worthy ministry; “Walk in a manner worthy” of the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph.4.1, Col. 1.10, I Thes. 2.12); permission granted to repost in full.
The Vision of Walk Worthy is to be preaching and discipling the whole Gospel and purpose of God worldwide so that His body will walk in all purity and holiness with Jesus, and bringing the Father pleasure in all respects.
Burl Landers says
Bro. Mark,
I appreciate your edification extended by your Friday Fire as well as other messages proclaimed from time to time. Press on my brother! Do not become weary in well doing….. The time is short.Let us look up, for our redemption draweth nigh… and… let us look unto Jesus, the Author and FINISHER of our faith, who for the joy set before him ENDURED THE CROSS,……
Your Brother IN Christ,
admin says
Thx brother Burl – it’s so wonderful to know His saints are pressing on. we appreciate your words of edification. they do build us up. feel free to subscribe to the walk worthy group on fb – or we can add you if you prefer. please stay connected with us…always proclaim your leadings here for the body.
your fellow worker in the vineyard….