In the ‘90’s I attended a Family Life Conference in Orlando and this group was teaching on making a tribute to your parents. At the time and even to their death, my dad and mom showed zero repentance for their sins against our holy God. I had evangelized them many times, and they had witnessed first hand the fruits of a real salvation!
But I wrote a tribute to each, printed and presented it to them at a special gathering. They were quite taken with it and saw tears in each of their eyes. Later, they framed them in light blue frames and hung them both in their bedroom.
Now, all these words are true, but I steered clear of any further evangelism or talk about the Lord Jesus in my tribute. Some of you many not even be able to write much of anything positive. But I exhort you to pray diligently and try your level best with the Holy Spirit’s help.
If I had to do it over again, I would not italicize the words for they are hard to read in this font.
A Tribute To My Dad
There are a flood of words, thoughts and memories that come to mind about the wonderful Dad that God has given to me. Rising above the difficult circumstances as a kid in Chicago and honoring Mom by being faithful and protective always makes me proud of you. I remember never worrying about our provision. When you labored at a task, there was only one way to do it – the right way.
Your honesty and traditional values of right and wrong run deep within me as I now train my children to observe the same. I distinctly remember the Family Persuader and its’ prominent spot on our kitchen wall! Those years and years of toil and sweat at Argus, driving to work early each morning 6 days a week (with your goofy hat and that window open in the winter!) is still vivid. Surely it was routine and boring many times, but you kept in mind the bigger picture of your responsibility for taking care of us.
The Keokuk house was a real sacrifice, I know now. All the hours, for example, of fixing those window panes in the living room, the door chime (remember?) and in the basement workshop. You did without a lot, especially for the Carthage education. The time you “hired” me to work for you and Mom at Sir Speedy and gave me all that extra money for school is fondly remembered. The yellow Malibu convertible was terrific! I hope you weren’t pestered too much for that extra money for the chicks at Tabor. A lot of our vacations are vivid, and here’s just a few: Washington, D.C., Door County, the ferry across Lake Michigan, trying to get steak for breakfast, and
even the broken car sojourn where we kept milk cold with ice in the wastebasket!
There are so many other great memories that I can only mention a few: the Lionel train set with all the tunnels and trees, the pool table in my bedroom, using sand paper paddles playing ping pong in the basement and hearing about your Army exploits of taking on “all the boys,” a red dot bulls-eye stuck on an empty box of paper stock full of crumpled newspaper so we could shoot a BB gun, Nellie, Luis, the White Sox and the Ernie Banks autograph that Nathan now has on his wall, the pin ball machine, going to Thillens to watch me play baseball in the All Star game, allowing me to buy a guitar and amp (and not take lessons!), driving back and forth to the YMCA and other places so our band could play at the school dances, playing golf after work at Salt Creek with our Northwestern clubs and always supporting me in the chorus and plays at Schurz.
My hope and prayer is that, for the most part, I have made you proud of me as I strive to honor the family name. To one of the best Dads in the world, all I can now say is a humble, “Thanks.” I love you. And I always will. I’m proud to be your son.
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Your friend and brother in fighting the good fight,
Saints, we’re one day closer to Home, and Him! Love Him wholeheartedly!
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Please comment on this post right below. Feel free to write and proclaim your leadings in the Spirit in an honorable fashion.
Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,
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