Kingdom Quote 81. Probably one of the most powerful arguments against political action and changing social consequences nationwide is Paul’s refusal to take up the cause to abolish slavery. Our circumstances are a distant second to our response to them in glorifying God and obeying him in every way.
Kingdom Quote 82. A man with few enemies had not lived as he must for Christ.
Kingdom Quote 83. Fruit is not the same as results. The devil has always gotten great results. Jeremiah and other Old Testament prophets never had these type of results. Fruit is fidelity to God even in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation. Real fruit always has seeds for more fruit, and often is not numerically significant. It’s also not genetically modified by the devil and his church.
Kingdom Quote 84. The seductive pull of the world can be extremely strong. But the leading of the Holy Spirit is the most powerful force in God’s universe!
Kingdom Quote 85. America is all about the money…always and forevermore in its corrupt DNA. From its demonic founding on greed and the genocide needed to accomplish the deed, to the current obsession with a man so arrogant, so narcissistic, so evil that he’d stop at nothing to keep pimping the ravenous system on its converts.
It’s not about real “freedom,” or anything of the sort. Unless that evil brand of freedom allows the super-rich to make more and more mammon at the expense of the young boys pumped full of murderous patriotic propaganda to kill and control all their enemies in every foreign land for the sake of capturing any resource deemed “essential” to the ravenous system.
The confessing church in large measure is fully complicit since they preach and teach the false American gospel…with the full protection and growth of mammon at its very core. Flee from this perversion, people of God, and live as the aliens and strangers that He commands. Salt and light, indeed.
Kingdom Quote 86. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you odd. Flannery O’Conner
Kingdom Quote 87. Almost all modern people in the West will disappoint you in this narcissistic Trump age. And there’s none so disappointing as self-absorbed, distracted, and irreconcilable church people.
Kingdom Quote 88. The specific circumstances of our lifetime of Christ-like suffering is never really the issue. The forgetting-what-lies-behind of our past life and the flint-like perseverance of our new life is paramount. With praiseworthy joy in our gracious and loving God’s kingdom while in full view of the great cloud of spirit world witnesses is the real pressing mark of the upward call in Christ Jesus.
Kingdom Quote 89. Christ’s angels do not have wings, nor are they stated as female by gender, nor are they cute little Hallmark Card creatures. That misconception is all part and parcel of the false baby manger Jesus gospel. Real angels are mighty and powerful, appear and disappear instantly from and into another dimension, have a free will to obey or disobey, and are incalculable in number. Like Christ, they’re warriors.
Kingdom Quote 90. Even pagans can quote a truth about truth now and then: “Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people.” Warren Buffett, famous investor
Note: unless otherwise specified, all quotes originate from Walk Worthy saints, and/or Marc White, Executive Director.
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Marc White, Director, Walk Worthy Ministries,
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