Ya' don't say. What kind of people would engineer this sort of catastrophe killing many lives? Original link https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=64f1e6f035a37b83131ba4c1 meet
Jesus proclaimed stumbling blocks to other souls made in His image were as certain as His return one day in flaming fire. Cursed by God Himself is the one who causes such offense. Imagine for a moment what could possibly be worse than the millstone around the neck. Do you see it? So, just how…
Brethren, With the plethora of false gospel ideas that pervade the church scene worldwide, it’s a wonder anyone can come to know the true truth! Fortunately for us here in the affluent West, we have the written Word of God that has by and large been accurately translated. Hallelujah! One of the poster children for…
Dear saints, Biblical marriage is a contract, or covenant, between a heterosexual man and woman with stipulations, i.e., conditions to be met by each party or the covenant is broken. Exodus 21:10-11 was the first recorded biblical marriage mandate from the heart of God. As with most things in life, that mandate eroded over the…
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Pilate on his bema seat of judgment asked the LORD of Glory the infamous question. “What is truth?” He asked sarcastically and rhetorically we presume. John 18:37-38 Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this…
The Most High “Elohim” God The Most High “Elohim” God created incomprehensible heavenly beings like free will angels, plus seraphim and cherubim, out of nothing to worship and serve Him day and night. To prove He’s inclusive in His kingdom He even invites some to His divine council, called sons of God (ben elohim in…
Our brother Isaiah was privileged with the absolute terror of witnessing God Himself on His throne in all His glory…and was undone. We distinctly notice that the created seraphim do not call out day and night 24-7 “Love, Love, Love” or “Grace, Grace, Grace” but “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Our brother the apostle Peter confirms this…
Brethren, Cults, religious and otherwise, are a matter of life and have been with us since the beginning of recorded time. They’ll exist until by the Father’s decree Christ returns after The Great Tribulation to fight the ultimate battle and create heaven on earth! Any group which is considered “normal” by someone can be considered…
Kingdom Quote 101. It’s been our experience that the vast majority of self-confessing western Christians only want validation for their beliefs and subsequent actions. They have no desire for truth if it conflicts with this. It’s the idolatry of validation. And just another coat of white paint on the tomb. Kingdom Quote 102. Time is…
We offer the saints a form template for signature and notarization against any vaccine mandate. We have modified and simplified this one for individuals. Other religious exemption forms for employment and various circumstances can be found here. Download this template here. If you run across any other tool, please forward it to us by sending…